The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Black And White

A hundred thoughts in my mind

Yet struggling to pen down some lines.

There is this rainbow, all over me;

But I am all white

Just being black and white.


Bullet is cheaper than love;

Tears wiping away smiles.

Death winning over life;

But I am alright, 

Just being black and white.


A hundred arrows pierced my heart;

Haven't split a pint of blood, yet


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black and whitelosspainrainbowrosewar

I read a poem

improved version!

I read a poem

                about a dresser

                and all the memories it held.

I remembered

                one thing

                in a sideboard.

I remembered

                a long cone shape

                wrapped in cord

                containing something

                hard and dark brown, that smelled.

I never knew


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War is madness,

War is sadness;

Its consolation -

Freedom's gladness.


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The Toys Of War

From the land of the wall wishing brave, 

where braves are no longer welcome,

or this, our island of explorers 

who now wish these sea shores were 

fringed with endless rows of closed doors,

have migrated many mantras of woe

fired forth from the business of diplomatic show.


And so, below the same stars 

beneath which some mothers starve 

- but not ours -

some wil...

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warEuropeNuclearpeaceArms Tradeweaponterrorterrorism

The Price of Freedom (much longer version)











A ghostly image of a soldier

stood in the background,

the scent of lilac's filled the air

even though it was winter.


A Mother with a babe in her

arms stood by a grave site.

Lilac's were the flowers her

husband had given her before

he left for war. So she

felt his presence.


She whispered, "Father this

is yo...

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They say..

They say 5 a day and a number of vaccines are what you need to be healthy                          

They say that cancer can't be cured and that a plant should be outlawed, but what's the reality

They say we need to go to war but we've heard it all before, and it's not how it should be            

They say we need to vote so get in line, as if we have a choice this time, they act like we'...

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Systematically Explicating a Narrative and Descriptive Poem


By Alem Hailu

The poem below decrying war was written by Lithuanian poet Salomeja Neris when her country was invaded by Nazi Germany. By way of showing how it is possible to explicate a narrative poem and invite readers reread the poem and grasp the meaning I will explicate her poem Spring as follows.


I Spring

Once again will lilac sing,

And brooks will babble, brooks, w...

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Soldier's Box

Soldier’s Box


Wooden box




Brass bullet casing


Flakes of tobacco



Grains of sand

Sepia tinted photograph


And pith helmets


Soldiers Service

And Pay book

Will unwritten

Will not needed


Nib encrusted

Fountain pen

Brass button

Coloured ribbon


Yellowed letters

Ink a faded blue


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Adagio of the Heart

I went to an extraordinary exhibition last year called "Spirit of Anzac" which was touring all over Australia. It came closer than anything I've seen in capturing the daily experiences of those who fought, and died, in the First World War, and especially in trench warfare on the Western Front. I have tried to express something of that experience, as I understand it.


Adagio of the Heart


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Worlds Apart (v3)

The real world is different for those born within strife,

if they are lucky they may grow to become husband or wife,

but for many, boy soldiers is what they were forced to become,

only eleven years old, yet their burden is to be carrying a gun.


How many live long enough to know that there are other ways,

within another country they wouldn't have been made military slaves.


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warslavesone world

How Evil Is The Mind Of Man

How evil is the mind of Man,

To do the things, as we all can,

Our evolution and history to refuse,

With inhuman profanity and abuse.


The nazis, to the Poles and Jews,

Set a raging firestorm loose,

They laughing, gay with callous calm,

Teased and tortured with unremitting charm,

Destroyed race and ravaged life,

Gorged upon others agony and strife,

To plant their o...

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War and the Universe

and when you look up and

watch the carmine sunset riding the clouds,


know that those are the blood

of the universes that fought so valiantly


to have our constellations vibrant and incandescent

in their boundless mausoleums.

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