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Personal contact

Personal contact


Thursday, 31st may .2018


He doesn't know

when I blow

my whistle for the invite

but he gets delighted


I free the thought

to go near and don't get caught

as I want to remain unknown

till he tries to own me


He is real and dashing personality

I know of him clearly

I have some fascinations

and really wants to have the close rel...

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Feel fine here

Feel fine 

Thursday,31 st May 2018

Yes, love the sun 
and run 
in a daylight 
to fight 

it is for the right cause
when you pose
for the holy struggle 
along with the people 

it is the right approach 
to love the divine objects as such 
you are destined to achieve
if followed some principles and believed

as the light is our main source
and living force
for the entire jou...

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Take the chance

Take the chance


Thursday, May 31st, 2018


The person is fortunate

if some pretty girl dates

or offers her helping friend

there is no problem at the end


she has caliber and intelligent mind

that one may find

when comes into contact

and accepts her in fact


she has not only a good sense of humor

but resolves to protect and safeguard the honor


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Set the future here

Set the future here


Tuesday,30th May 2018


I tried to convince

but she did not evince

any interest in my talk

when silently I walked along


I expected unforeseen danger

and saw visible anger

you wanted to blast me in person

without any valid reason


I did my level best

as it was testing ground

for my patience

I failed to visualize at once


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How far we can !

How far!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018
1:33 PM

How far can one country go?
If war is thrust upon and siren is blown
Noone can ill afford wat in the vicinity 
This threat is almost faced by all the countries 

Does there prevail any sincerity?
Has everybody taken into account the poverty?
Many countries remain semi-starved
And many countries remain, ruffian and rogue,

The nuclear posses...

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The verses flow

The verses flow


Tuesday, 29th May 2018


The writing is an art

you always remain as part

the ideas float independently

the lines run instantly


not all can write

and ignite

the passion

in such situation


your mind is full of action

it has no lack of ideas or inaction

you are fond of sable relation

the bond that was created for the consolidatio...

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Infant democracy

Infant democracy


Tuesday, 29th May 2018


"Politics" is the tool of the coward

it needs no straight word

talk big and look forward

it has an inferior standard


once the power is addicted

nothing can be instructed

it will fall on the thick skin

the fall out may be seen later


if it is confined to the serving of the national interest

the other people ...

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Only peace here

Only peace here

Tuesday, 29th, May 2018


Each morning brings me the new message

when I see sunlight and pigeon

what an innocent bird and peace carrier

it appeals me more and more


I am not in the position to deliver

for the good of the mankind and offer

yet, the wish remains uppermost in mind

to do something good and find out


yes, the white color suits th...

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Go ahead with


Go ahead with


Sunday,27th May 2018


we were sharing the same roof

what else you need as proof!

I had full faith in her

there was nothing to worry later


on that fateful day

I found her away

not found on the bed

my heart skipped a beat


where might she have gone?

leaving behind two small children

I was desperately driven

many bad thoughts...

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Beautiful chance and

Beautiful chance


Sunday,27th May 2018


love is as such 

very good thing to reach

respectable and at a certain level

you will always feel nice 


compare with no one 

and feel also no inferior one 

you have your feelings

and that shall always bring the good end 


love is God gift

and make no shift

or involve in an illicit relationship

that shal...

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Our life


Our life

Sunday, May 2018


So is our life

full of the pain and torn with strife

Still, we continue

and pay our dues


you are right

millions take birth, day and night

and perish too, in the process

this fact, we got to face


Yes, it is universal happening

and sometimes saddening us

but one has to die

again get up and try


if everything ...

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Be good to

Good people


Sunday, 27th May 2018


It is no strange

but we have to manage

and act as per age

People shall put your name on the golden page


not all are selfish

but we are like fish in the pond

different species and in a vast number

and feel among them as one of the member


Good work doesn't go in vain

and it shall never cause you pain

you will e...

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Real wedding joy

Real wedding joy

Saturday, May 26th,2018

Memoirs of real wedding
remain with never-ending
reminiscence in the mind
and we find the pleasure of a sweet kind

as the days pass by
we take the challenge and try
to improve upon
and see that all the hurdles are overcome

life may still go on
and care may also be taken
to see that bond remains intact
and life is sweetened by the beauti...

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Daughters save campaign

Save daughters campaign 

Friday,25th may,2018


If we are destined to suffer

who can offer 

a helping hand 

to overcome our plight and befriend


let people say" there are enough of rules" 

to take steps against the criminals 

push them behind bars

and allow others to resist or deter


we have overcome 

the helplessness and welcome 

the intention of pro...

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Thursday, 25th May, 2018


The human nature is as such

you know but can't teach

as you also can't reach

the depth and conveniently preach


you might be a close friend

and may remain dear till an end

but no one can reach to inner sentiments

as you never present it


you can't open up to all

because it is a sentimental call

not all may t...

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Terrible pain

Hasmukh Mehta

2 hrs · 

Terrible pain 
Friday, May 25, 2018
6:25 AM

I felt terrible pain 
yet maintained composure
there was no other go 
except to blow myself

there was no beginning 
but only ending 
I was developing cold feet
and feeling shocked

I might have thought negatively 
yet was not falling desperately 
it might have been a temporary setback 
to claim the stake


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Duty as the poet

Duty as the poet

Friday, May 25, 2018

8:35 AM


when poet and poetess meet for the recital

it is not the show of an individual

but a show of understanding for mankind

and we can certainly see the spirit and find


it may be on mother's day

or for that matter any other day

it is real and shows the gratitude

in words and in an attitude


what poet can do tod...

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Simple rule

Simple rule

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

10:36 PM


I followed the simple rule

be a straight person and make no one fool

you shall always be successful

the life shall remain purposeful


who are we to judge?

and make an edge

for the selfish reasons

to any person


it is of no use

if we refuse

to acknowledge

the caliber on the page


we are not th...

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Nothing should irritate

Nothing should irritate


Thursday, May 24th, 2018


What can be the best philosophy?

if you don't want to blame an almighty

for the poverty and misery?

the solution lies with a mind already


you have to keep the cool mind

and try to find out

what can be the best remedy?

for the plight and agony


it you can control that state

the exit door can be show...

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In the name of

In the name


Thursday, 24th May, 2018


Let the sky meet an earth

and make us breathe

with fresh air

without any fear


what can we dream about the free world

no one has imagined and told

that people may have an option

to live with peace without any compulsion


it is idealist visionary's concept

but a reality test

whereby the whole of mankind may l...

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The single aim

The single aim

Wednesday, 23rd May, 2018


I am told about eyes

that always try

to seek friends and enjoy

with cheers and joy


I read in others eyes

and fly

towards the destination

with a slight invitation


what is that magic pull?

that makes you successful

in your earnest drive

and survive in love game


no, it is a sincere desire

that ma...

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We, the people of

We, the people


Wednesday,23rd May 2018


Not politicians alone

but what has gone wrong?

with the religious leaders

when they lead the followers


when all the religions claim the same path

and fear of death

for doing wrong things

then what else can bring them together?


it is an essence of the love

that has been believed

and put into faith


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More than the words

More than words

Wednesday, 23rd May 2018


Birthday brings new hope

and the journey goes non-stop

we don't look here and there

but go ahead without fear


what can one wish?

and finish

with the blessings

as a friend being


the wishes are more than words

and look forward

with the single aim

for the claiming of friendship


so, wish you many mor...

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Face the rough weather

Face the rough weather


Tuesday,22nd May 2018


The hardship should be taken as a task

and must be taken as the bad start

life has its part to play

and we got to be familiar and stay


it may cause us the pain

but we should remain

in firm control of the situation

and feel no dejection


the hardship day may go

and we shall be able to blow

our own tr...

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Nice stage

Nice Stage

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

8:44 PM


Missing you right now

but don't know how to come over

and have shelter

I shall always remain eager


no, I never knew

when love grew

I was one of fortunate among few

it made all my senses fly


what is happening to me?

why do I feel captive and not free

to think over

the matter


Many have told me t...

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In miserable condition

In miserable condition


Tuesday,22nd May 2018


When world leaders sleep!

and fail to keep

watch over recent developments

the humanity angle fails to present


no one can save the world

when consequences of wars are told

yet and if they fall on deaf ears

we have certainly to fear


we have witnessed the Holocaust

due to world war first to till date


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First information report

First information report

Tuesday, May20, 2018

9:39 PM

When will we wake up?

And seriously stop

The vendeta against Defense personnel

Who stand fast against the enemy's game?


Each alternate day

The soldiers lay down their lives

So we can live peacefully

And breathe happily


Some people are working against the national interest

We do nothing to counter th...

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Lifespan waste here


Lifespan wasted here

Monday, 21st, May 2018


Poetry is good

when you have understood

the theme and the spirit

then only you should feel fit


it is no joke

when you offer masterstroke

without any aim

and then claim relevance


you must have the sensible heart

that understands the human art

its agony and plight

and vows to make it right



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The lifespan is wasted

Lifespan wasted

Monday, 21st, May 2018


Poetry is good

when you have understood

the theme and the spirit

then only you should feel fit


it is no joke

when you offer masterstroke

without any aim

and then claim relevance


you must have the sensible heart

that understands the human art

its agony and plight

and vows to make it right


when grief...

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Natural relation with


Natural relation

Sunday, May 20, 2018

6:01 PM


I had a soft corner for animals

and loved them as an individual

they are loved by all the people

so is the gesture by the animals


I had loved dogs,

not as pets

but as the helpless creatures

and not at all sure of the existence


my animal love grew many folds

as my mother told

the baby dog had fo...

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The girlfrieend

The girlfriend

Sunday, May 20, 2018

8:12 AM


The girlfriend

enough of praises till and end

what do I send to her?

the bunch of fresh flowers daily


for not intention of wooing

but daily caring

for her memory

and long live wish for her to an almighty


she is an inspiration

strong bond in the relation

Ideal for life journey

and wonderful personal...

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Missed it forever

Missed it forever

Saturday, May 19, 2018

9:53 PM


Yes, it was the first time I saw

the intimate relationship was to grow

but neither I could dare nor fared well

the story was not fit to tell


what had I in the mind?

what did I try to find?

I am not sure

but she was my future


her face seemed graceful

very much smiling and colorful

I can read her f...

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The flowery show

The flowery show

Saturday, May 19, 2018
9:15 AM

Was she afraid of the life?
was it filled with torn strife
might be, she had the reservation 
for building the good relation 

what was an option open to her?
she did not bother 
the nature was with her
she was very much fond of the flowers
what do the flowers gain?
except to spread the fragrance later
in the evening, they were t...

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Understand the myth

Understand the myth

Saturday, May 19, 2018

7:22 AM


Yes, try to understand

and take a clear stand

as life has posed many problems

for all human beings


day by day, the living pattern is changed

and we are unable to manage

the money is playing the crucial role

as such, we witness fall in the moral standard


the people have become unreal

and also feel


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An opportunity

An opportunity


Friday, May 18, 2018

8:03 AM


an opportunity is like biscuit

more you deep

and keep

it will melt and disappear


no violation is allowed

and instinct has to be followed

else, it may slip away from the hand

and the matter shall end


the third sense is to be used

and any other ideas must be refused

the negative thought must be rep...

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Say good

Say good

Friday, May 18, 2018

6:51 AM


Where does the country head?

and peacefully leads!

the stupid politicians take the country to low deep

and what doe he do to update with the country's fate


some people are comparing the situation of Pakistan

to that of an Indian nation

some fool politician goes and tarnishes image in an enemy country

how can these people...

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Define the courage

Define the courage


Thursday, May 17, 2018

8:24 AM


How to define the courage?

and actually, manage

with the daily routine

and imagine the clear path


life has up and down

and it is already known

yet, we disregard

and offer no resistance or words


the life is real human art

where you remain its inseparable part

adopt some principles

and act...

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I turn

I turn


Thursday, May 17, 2018

7:18 AM


I turn 72 today

It shall pave the way

for my future course

I got to stay fit, of course


last year was pathetic

the situation turned tragic

as I had to witness the departure

of my companion and life partner


I was brought down to the reality

and bowed down to an almighty

for an impartial decision

to t...

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Through the storm

Through the storm


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

9:50 PM


It was no unusual

for any individual

to take it casual

when it involves love from people


but when it comes to the relation

it increases an excitation

to meet in dark becomes the need

the word to that effect becomes natural feed


I thought for a moment and brushed aside

I took a strong view to d...

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No more a stranger

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

7:18 AM

No more stranger

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

7:18 AM


We are all strangers

yet, full of discourtesy and anger

We express it in open

and remain desperately driven


we all know about the fact

it all reflects in the actions

we react angrily

and sho it visibly


the strangers remain no more unknown

they enter our lives as...

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Happy Ramadan

Happy Ramadan

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

6:37 AM


It is the start of the holy month 

I feel the energy with strength 

when I look at the sky 

I think of the divinity and can't stop thinking, why?


why have an almighty sent us on the earth?

I take the breath inside and ponder

is that not called divine wonder?

who, in all the respects, offers us blessed life?



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Poet's heart

Poet's heart

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

11:30 AM


Poets have a dream 

and they prepare with a strong arm 

they present it with the warm

affection and causing no harm


what comes out from mind?

we can certainly find 

it is the language and feeling

that comes out from the human being


the tries hard

with the strong words

and the theme

that takes on to...

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Try for the success

Try for the success

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

9:19 AM


it is right to say

and not shy away

from the reality

it is not the good quality


to lose a battle

or not to struggle

for survival

it depends on an individual


we have noticed

and it is observed too

people may come in life and go

you have every right to show


the life can't be denied


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The real light

The real light

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

8:22 AM


The man should have to help nature

this factor only assures

his existence in the social domain

he tries his all the best to remain in the circle


the candle may have an inherent quality

to light up the area and show it to everybody

even though, it may remain dim

but it may show the path to them


the candle h...

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Baby knows

Baby knows

Monday, May 14, 2018

8:08 AM


if babied could speak

the mother would have never felt weak 

she could have known the need

and tried to feed in better ways


babies know

where mothers go 

and bring happiness 

and show the smile on the face


it was never a strange thing 

when she tried to bring 

the new world in the life 

even though lif...

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If we don't

If we don't

Monday, May 14, 2018

6:43 AM


we fear the death at each moment

but smilingly present

ourselves to the world

with thoughts so calm and cold


no one else has done great harm

so today, we are warned

not to vitiate it further

you all shall disappear


we are polluting everything

river water. even mountain peaks not sparing

the glaciers are ...

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The wildflowers

The wildflowers

Sunday, May 13, 2018

9:06 PM


one must have own identity

zeal, enthusiasm, and the personality

faith and trust in an almighty

and spirit to work daily


yes, words are yours

and define with honor

it may suit or not to someone

but care for none


you are right

and grow with delight

bring the glow on the face

and show on other trace...

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Fall in the standard

Fall in standard


Sunday, May 13, 2018

6:02 PM


we look around and feel not ashamed

we see the murder on the road and not blame

we are not at all concerned

we think about self and turn the eyes


we have become selfish

and swim in the pond like the fish

but not see the danger to other fishes

such remains thought as our wish


unless we get awakened


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Mother, you are

Mother,You are

Sunday, May 13, 2018

8:37 AM


you were cold but offered warmth

with an affection, you were superb

what to offer and what to miss!

I always remembered your sweet kiss on the forehead


you had depth like an ocean

but I had never seen

any worry lines on the face

even if you had the stress


people say"what is new in this"

if she discharged...

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The shining star

The shining star

Sunday, May 13, 2018

8:57 AM


Now, you have become the shining star

and gone very far

where we can't come near

but children remember you as a loving mother


no, you were different

like all other mothers at present

you had nothing to care

except children and dare


what do we miss today?

we find the world is drifting away

blowing us...

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