The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

doom and gloom (Remove filter)

The Unwanted Guest

He has come again

Never welcome, never kind

The unwanted guest 

How I wish we weren’t intertwined 


Sometimes he gives notice

Sometimes, none at all 

The unwanted guest 

His shadow looms and curtains fall 


When he departs 

The darkness stays

The unwanted guest 

When will he free us from these chains


A friend to none

Yet known by all

The unwan...

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Griefdeathdoom and gloomgloomsadlife and deathFate

Make Room

Dear Donny says we need more comedy
WoL isn’t what it ought to be
Well, you may have heard that comics are known to hide their troubles
To make others laugh
While their life is actually in strife
They complain others are all too serious, 
too much doom and gloom
They’d rather make it a sideshow
Well, move aside, 
make some room
There’s plenty for both of you
After all, after a good cry,...

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comedydoom and gloom

last time



Mouth dry as an Egyptian coffin

I lie, a heap of ashes in your arms

Young passion is so wet and green

in age it darkens into smoke and bone


Smoulder up to death’s dark curtain darling

Dust to dust you always will be mine

My heart, a fire pit of braziers burning

Who knows when it is for the final time?





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