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: The Cup that Broke :

The cup that broke housed a thought.

                     A nascent bud, not blooming yet!

But the hand of chance with the pot,

                  Filled the cup with a different fate!


Smiling lips drank up the infusion.

                  Tho' the process of a nascent mind,

Failed to make that thought sustain!

                      A shattered cup was left behind!

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Abstractpoetryrandom thinkingmusingsbroken

Radio Royalty

Be a radio king or queen

You'll be heard a lot more than you're seen

Let us hear your diamond voice

As you recite a verse of your choice

The topic is the Jubilee

Were you there for the major three?

Are you a corgi, a horse or a jewel?

What would happen if YOU made the rules?

Write, record and let me know

To get featured on my show


Calling all budding poets and pr...

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random thinking


They cause us pain and yet we pretend
That it's love 
love that will win in the end
Are we so blind by the challenge 
Creating a false sense to feel valid
To remain blind is a choice we carry
Self worth cast aside and buried
So we can hold on just a little longer
The random good times
Make us feel stronger
You really loose your sense of self
In a set of cards you chose to delt
So if pa...

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loveuncertaintyrandom thinking

Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #2

{Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #2} 




​​​​​​Through my eyes

 you all will one day 

 see the real world  

 the way God meant it 

 to be without killings,

 murderers walking 

 free in our society 

 and our young youth 

 having to slang dope 

 to put in their mailboxes 

 to​​​ support and feed their

 poor families so they can 

survive through to a 


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quotethug life quotethug lifepoempoetryTina GloverwritinglifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverrandom thoughtssurvivingworldthrough my eyesrandom thinking

Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #1

 {Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #1} 



 The thug life 

 in me is one 

 day going to 

 set it off by 

dropping the whole

world to it's 

knees as you 

will flow through

me and I will 

go out in a blaze 

of glory as God 

made me to do



And my lil homies I ain't mad at cha






©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 1...

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lifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryquoterandom thinkingrandom thoughtsstorythoughtsthug life quoteTina Gloverwriting

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