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I would like my naked toes to caress a field of poppies

to dance; a fine expression of freedom and happiness.

to look up at the clear blue skies

and listen to the sound of singing birds

in the midst of wonderful harmony.

For time to stand still, a chance to inhale

To truly take in life, and the precious moments it can hold.

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danceGeneralinspirationallovereal life

Mambo Moment

We interrupt our program 
to bring this important 

Amid the chaos and confusion,
be on the lookout for a  
a mambo moment, 

where you suddenly break 
into song and dance, 
forget your cares, 
live in the moment, 
feel the rhythm of life. 

A mambo moment often appears 
out of nowhere, at the most 
unexpected time.

Those around may think
you lost your mind,
but the...

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When we were Gypsies


Don't stop when the music stops

Even when the fever drops

The castanets have ceased to play

The romance in your eyes I see

Could I take you away with me?


I'll take you through the rain

Where the light remains

The only rhythm of the day

Where the sound of the patter

Which really doesn't matter

It's insane that the rain

Could make me feel this way


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The Bailaora of the Ball

From the balcony I see her

In the composure of the night

The Bailaora takes over the streets

As she absorbs the mood into the moonlight

I perceive the Jaleadors and Jaleadoras

Providing the ultimate rhythmic Palma

She smiles enticingly.


Arms held high

Above her head

She looks so sturdy

So proud of herself

Her hands turn inwards

Then outwards

Then the zap...

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Luminescent Humanity

Every tragedy leaves behind 

a trail of tears and

luminescent humanity. 


Rona is here to teach us 

life is fleeting. 

Live in the moment, 

don’t wallow in misery. 


Celebrate the little things,

smiles, high fives, sunny days...


Dance, sing, be free,

alone in your room, 

on rooftops, balconies, 

wherever your spirit leads.

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Shall We Dance

Ah, the magic of night 

when obligations are over, 

another adulting day in the books. 


I rest my weary body, 

set my boggled mind free 

with a little poetry...


Your words await

like a teen with a corsage

to take me to the prom,

where we twist and twirl

under twinkling dollar store stars

and a paper moon.


Happy memories pop up

among technicolor...

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I move
A private chorea
On public display
Tapping rhythms
With feet
Invisible drum sticks
Finger nails
And I rock to and fro
To a silent disco
Just for me
Swaying against the crowd.

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