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God bless the dead


Dont worry my brothers,

Save a spot for me cus I'll see you soon.

These thoughts and memories,

The dreams that consume.


Had me thinking on life, feel choked till I can't breathe.

Losing my people, blinded me to the better things in life I couldn't see.

Losing these people brought tremendous amounts of pain.

Moving on in life, till my heart froze and changed.



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The Ocean Inside The Shell

The salty sea spray sprinkles my skin,

like summer showers

That begin 

Then end 


I stand in front of a crust forming at the edge of the beach


Splintered, softened wood 



Shiny when wet

Their colours

Like common jewels

Topaz, ruby, emerald, turquoise, coral pink, terracotta

All there for the picking

All at my feet

This Novemb...

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beachchildhoodfamilyholidaysmemoriesmum and dadshell

Vita hominum flos est


Inscribed on Emanuel Sweert's painting 'Florilegium': Man's life is a flower.

Like a flower, he comes forth, then withers away; 
like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure.
Book of Job 14:2


While I watched, her blossom

faded from the field

left no shadow


Now all life expects in this eleventh hour

we should revere lost heroes with a flower


But I shall not ...

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Crashing waves

The beats of my heart... still
lovingly embracing
the night sky
ember ebbs to forever

I witness the stars
as they greet
where souls meet
under a galaxy of

loving dreams
of forever

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I know

Fading memories

my soul concealing

hurt from my

aching heart

I am soaring

with majestic

angels on a bright red

persian dream

In a dream

where you never leave

In a dream

where you are still holding me

Tranquil sounds...

with every key

it moves me

further away from you

Paralyzed with fear

of forgetting your beautiful face

I know I...

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Ancient love

oh, lonely nights
liquid comfort
the classics a backdrop of a scene

Memories of love
memories of you
I do not hide my pain
I feel it

My pain demands that,
I feel
I remember
I cry

The morning sun
a new day
and more memories
of an ancient love

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A river of memories

Johann Sebastian Bach,
the sounds that clear my mind
a river of memories 
... flowing

With every 
filling "Air"
into my soul

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We Were Beautiful

The complication of those earrings
the texture of the paint around your eyes
the sun's highlights in your hair

The redness of those parting lips
such belief in everything we said
the pristine shape of your nose

Lying on the roof
your head close to my heart
summer blushing the sky
weren't we beautiful
weren't we beautiful then

Nothing to fret about
just prolong the passing day

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Inside my soul

I find myself... thinking
about you
Beautiful lyrics

In the sound of
In the calm
of soft rain, drizzling

In all the little things
and inside the
The deepest part
of my soul

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Memories of you

Waves washing away
The whispers from my soul
My heart breaking

Drowning all emotions
Wrapping my thoughts with a pretty bow
Willingly letting go
Of all of you

In my solace
I reflect
A glorious
New day

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Right here


Deep tranquil aromas

steamy mirrors

warm liquid all around

my senses come alive


fantasies of your touch

in places I soak

in this luxury



I lay back

and feel


You are right here, always!

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Our rain



My face drenched

My hair soaked

Our bodies cling


The sound of thunder

Rain gloriously cleansing our past

Our kiss

Our dance

Our rain

Our love


A memory of our first glance

Our first embrace

Our first kiss


This is our rain

Our dance

Our love




Complete at last

Gone with the past

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C o l l i d e

a Memory, of words

a Thought, of words

a Touch, of words


Our connection!

We collide!

With our words!

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love passionmemories

A Memory Lost in Time

This is one of my longest poems. It tells a story about an adventure I took one day back when I was a teenager. I don't think it's some of my better writing, but maybe you may find it enjoyable.


A Memory Lost in Time

I’ve reached the age
Where many years have passed me by.
Lost memories have become buried
Mixed in the years lost by time.

Every so often, unexpected like.

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Do you still think about me?
Am I one of your painful memories?
Do I cross your mind when you're all alone and trying to sleep?

I can say that all is the truth for me
I'm just a grain of sand and you are the sea.
You wrap around my brain until I can't fucking breathe.

Do you remember trying not to cry?
The day we finally said goodbye.
Feeling like we're alone but surrounded by a hundre...

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Your Light, Our Youth

The strength of your light
catches me unguarded
how brightly you shine
blooming brilliantly
how welcome
how confusing to me

The confidence of your glow
magnetic from all angles
I'm softened in the shadows
but your light does not permit them
so welcome
so challenging to me

Brighter than in our youth
brighter still than photographs
we talk and take a new one
twenty years since the...

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first lovememorieslight


Bears, bears, bears!

There were bears everywhere

Now he saw them, all those bears throughout his years.


The Panda Bear.

She would come out and stare, and stare.

Blinking ringed black eyes against the rare glimpsed sky.


Serene and sober

Conversely troubled but not in a rage

She'd think for a minute, slowly turn, then go back to her cage.


The Grizzly Bear.


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Bears. dreamsmemoriessurrealism

The Best Way to Grieve for a Child

They never changed that room.
Dolls, teddy bears, trains,
And transformers all hold space,
Lock time in perpetual stasis.
When death comes life stops.

Family said they should pack
Things away. It’s too hard
To be reminded day after day
Of a future lost in the past,
But a room can be a memorial.

It’s a museum of childhood,
Until a child of a later
Generation discovers it with

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In the Closet

Through the kitchen, down the hall, in the last room on the left. There's a box in the closet. Small and square, behind some sweaters. Safe in a quiet place, yet always on my mind...


More than just a trinket, it's like an amulet

For when I hold it in my hands, my head and heart forget.

A talisman of testimony, to what was once so true

This tiny little object that makes me think of...

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memoriescherished itemslovefondness

Growing apart

Yes, we met to grow apart someday.. 
In the stillness of night, mind wanders to seek them.. 
who  became fond memories or subjects of condemn.. 
A quest to seek solvent to unsolved relation conundrum.. 
The life's core made by them bit by bit.. atom by atom.. 
Yes, we met to grow apart someday..

Their existence and vitality once made living reverberant 
Traces lying of them in the distant...

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Past's Prologue

The trees still sentinel stood

their green leaves whispering

rustling gently in the wood


in the same soft breeze


and I know some summer birds

sang in their canopy

a requiem without words


'neath the same blue sky


that through every passing year

quietly watched over me

safe within Ceredig's sphere


It has been too long a time

since our firs...

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hide and seek

hide and seek


one thousand and one

one thousand and


my head pressed against the bark

on the tree by the pond side

where the ducks quack back

at the boy with the ball

whose dreams are

not yet fully formed


two one thousand and three

one thou


sat by the brown muddy water

with schoolbooks spilling from bags

a kiss on the cheek

and we carve ...

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day 3NaPoWriMo 2019unfolds over timehide & seektime passingmemoriesfamilar placeschange

Lost at sea a battle against dementia and me

When i look into your eyes 

I know your still there somewhere inside 

And as each passing day 

Goes by I know another part of your memory dies 

But you won't remember the goodbyes and it's hard not to sit here and cry 

Because your trapped inside 

All The confusion the conclusion

That your drifting away 

Well  I know  that ships don’t stay long at bay 

And will soon be h...

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Your seven.

Walking hand in hand

Your seven.

Wide eyes.

Big world.

Small warm hand

Reaches for and

Buries in my paw.

Mans hand, callouses and oil.

But still fists full of love.

Protection and love.

We kick leaves.


Golds and reds.

Asphalt coated

In browns and beauty.

The leaves fly up

Whirl and flow


Unplanned patterns.

Stick to our shoes


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