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The Walk

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Footsteps of the Magdalene

Are we not blessed to follow in Her footsteps,
The steps that stirred the dust in Galilee?
The feet that bring good news of Living Jesus,
The Light of lights arisen in you and me?
Her path is one of peace, of joy, of hope,
Breaching the walls of ignorance and fear,
And leads to the twilit Resurrection Garden,
See in Her embrace the Christ Light now appear; 
Magdalene, you show us this Grea...

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prismatic beings

legs crossed i lay, deep in prayer

as i enter her domicile pyramid prism with a rainbow flash

headspace filled with subsequent intrinsic peace and peachy afterglow, washing out wrath

sifting through the banks of her mind, i produce schisms, and visually metaphysical visions

visualization techniques split at the ream leaving a colorful flurry

scurrying across triangular entropy into ...

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New Age Spiritualityspiritualitynaturemotherlovelifepoetrypoemrelationshipshappiness

Duality Dissected

Sometimes black and white become one. 

Gods omnipresecence is seen, white dancing across black. 

Morning comes from night. 

Day breaks and lights the dark. 

Half the world is light, while the other half is dark.

In the dance of shadows, white light reflects colors on dark night. 

Prisms take white light and reflect colors on black night. 

White light, dark night.

Black canv...

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blackdark side of the moondualityGodIntrospectionPink Floydprismreflectionspiritualitywhite

second wind

My vitality feels resuscitated with every breathe we share

two halves of a heart

you are the oxygen that pumps, vestibule, pair of consonance heartbeats

bounce off the walls.

we jump up and down hand in hand

your touch warms through and lights a fire inside and around

sound mind when your whisper incites a riot

the night is charged, god particles in the air.

our souls dance...

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beautybreathehappinesslifelovelove makingnaturepoempoetryrelationshipsspiritualspirituality


You came in to this world

with enough light to find

your way out of the dark,

enough kindness to save a soul,

enough love to shift a planet.

Don't worry, you are enquipped

with all you could ever need.

Look with in,

you are drenched in magic.

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Tranquility in your presents

doves pecking as our kiss is tending

lips lock our mind in a spell, as the doves sing their song, letters spelling in the air.

clouds draw me close for a better look

fractals in the nooks, lump to lump, baby rainbows extend their hand and shake with glee

telling my lover she is the best mother to be


She see's the beauty in my beastial nature, cal...

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soul mates

Let's let our thoughts tango and let our souls mate

my heart on my sleeve, on display

she is my armor, forever with fervor

worth the search for, pain couldn't hurt more

Her radiance blazes, visually a spectacle

her calming presence.

In essence, my mind linger.

Drift off to the cosmos. to a place where space and time coincide

I see her constellation and engage, warp drive


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naturespiritualitylove makingspiritual bondshapelessspiritualpoetryearthPainlove

Drawn together

Drawn together, by god's hand
canvas weathered, with black clouds on foreign land
placed on parchment in the darkness
the line is thin from me to you, each other's mind paint the others dreamscape

drawn to you, the flip book of life brings us ever closer as every moment pass
each page bookmarked and in immediate view, I pray always my spine hold from the load placed on you
on the margin ...

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Dark to light

I come from a dark place


The land of no return some may call it 

Making my way back up to the surface 

After living in my head for 

I pay homage to the fall and winter 

Because it brings me closer to myself 

Yet I am starting to notice how much I have been ignoring the light 

How does the spring and summer affect me?

Besides being hot and feeling like I want t...

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Naturemental healthspiritualitylovedarkness to lighthealing

I come from a dark place


The land of no return some may call it 

Making my way back up to the surface 

After living in my head for 

I pay homage to the fall and winter 

Because it brings me closer to myself 

Yet I am starting to notice how much I have been ignoring the light 

How does the spring and summer affect me?

Besides being hot and feeling like I want t...

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naturemental healthlovespiritualityhealingdarkness to light

Walls fall

Seismic vibes reach through the faults

the connection pulls us together collectively

As we embrace, we look for a way to drown out our doubts and fears


Walls fall, curled up under the table, her past remains the same

as for her future i can save her, let us recover

what was lost to damage.


Sift through the rubble for our gems and jewels, trinkets and fuel

as we lie i...

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I strive to be a part of the hive

The queen bee is the light of my eye, the spark of spark divine.

Her frequency speaks to me, peacefully, decency well balanced in her machinery

I drone out the static, feel the hum of her words

I strive to be part of the hive, so what's mine is hers


I step out to amass my bouqet prize 

by her side, in line we all move in unison but i see her eyes meet mine, and they drag my min...

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Close to the Ground

I choke on the word spirituality.

Not so much on the reality

but the sometimes solitary focus

on the ethereal, mystical, and utterly

invisible. I lose my way in the mist.

My spirit hums closer

to the ground, often emerges

with mud on its face. It scrounges

truth among the mushrooms and

lichen. Peels off labels from

discarded tin cans, and there among

the roaches an...

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world's apart

I feel the pain of your broken heart physically gone but our spirits don't part

although you hurt and and pine for me

close your eyes and there i will be

With the biggest smile on my face

as I'm free and happy in this amazing place looking out at a perfect view

standing in front of me is you

I'm very much alive more than ever

no worldly burdens..light as a feather

I'm helpi...

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You are a creator.
I am a creator.

I created you
and you created me.

Together we create
our destiny.

Will we fill our life
with strife or harmony.

Will we hide behind fear and doubt 
or flesh our gifts out.

It is up to you.
It is up to me.

To be all we created 
ourselves to be.


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creatorcreationi amdestinylifegodfaithspiritualitymanifestingthe law of attraction

Balance Number 1

Beauty is as beauty does

What beauty does

We know

Strength brings strength

In exercise

A healthy gainful glow

Beauty cannot live within

If it has no strength to grow

Strength cannot live within

Where beauty is not known

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Introduction to Love

My love for you wells up from


A feeling indescript

A warmth rising from the heart

A rush of oxytocin through the


Immediate and pressing

Without urgency or smothering

Felt from my legs to my


And in every chakra the yoga-doers tell us of

From the crown above my head

To the root they speak of in awkward Puritanical tones

Tones we do not need, m...

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lovelove makingsexsexualityspirituality

PAGAN THE NIGHT - Vision the First

Blue lights sparkle quaintly amidst the
Glowing dawn
The fire burns as we stand above and
The Horned One looks on
The scales were tipped, Anubis spake
Despite your small complaint
Your protests unheard, your pointless
And Ammut smiled and ate
And now above the flames you
Fear fills your once-proud eyes
“Will you leap?” The Horned One asks
And to the gods’ surprise
You swa...

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spiritualityPagan Poetrydreams

Poker With Lucifer

The darkness falls under my skin,
I hate my life and my soul within',
I'm trapped in my mind and I'm full of sin,
I'm fighting the devil and I cannot win,
Complacent thoughts are spinning around,
I hear His voice but there is no sound,
He showed me the way, the truth and the life,
The battle is won, I won the fight,
Come on devil your talk is cheap,
I've played my cards so read 'em and we...

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LifeInner StruggleAddictionDrugsSpiritualityTruth

What Does It All Mean?

Live life today,
Like there's no tomorrow,
So forget about the pain,
And embrace the sorrow,
Life is a struggle,
That we all go through,
Searching for deeper meaning,
And contemplating whats true,
Beauty and complexity,
A trip through the divine,
It can't be mere coincidence,
It was done by design,
At first we are taught this is it,
The material is all that's there,
Then what is my p...

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