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Beautiful Queen

Manon French Canadian Beautiful Queen

Sparkling eyes angelic serene

For every Queen must have a crown

God blessed her

A platinum garland was sent to her

God's Purest most stunning jewel was lent to her

Breathtaking beauty too precious for earth

Stefany crowned from birth

Melissa sweet as the honey in her name

Honey bee she gives strength to her Queen

Manon, Melissa he...

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Faithloss of a daughterStefanymanoncrowndivine intervention

Young Man, Dancing

Quite nice, on the whole, that religious chap.

High up, apparently. (Could even be the boss;

‘Numéro Uno’, said a bodyguard.)

He gave me forty minutes;

Has some good ideas.


Drinks shandy with lunch

(‘Must keep a clear head’).

Unsurprising views on midweek sex (he is sceptical)

And Elvis impersonators (better in the North).

Unlike his autobiography,

Entitled ‘Who’...

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If Love Were Simple

If LOVE were simple then, for sure

We'd know the blessings it truly bestows:

We'd rid our life of sad refrains, begot of earthly woes;

Our wholesome love remaining ever pure.


When virtue lies in every thought and deed,

Or promise of a future time be met.

Then likewise your sweet kisses or your warm embrace

Would seal the bargain and, God speed,

There would be no cause ...

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Love PoetryLoveHopeFaith


If I believe in me,

I can be anything,

I ever want to be,

Swiftly soaring through the sky,

Flying my way that high,

Gently touching horizons unseen,

If I believe in me.


Maybe dive into waters so pure,

Laugh with dolphins,

Solve mysteries unknown,

I can feel the deepest pits,

If only I believe in me.


Forgetting all my darkest fears,

Ignoring all thos...

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laughfreedom anywheredepression helpless hopeless self-destructionmotivationlove*sad*pain*memorybelieffaithhope

Bigger than you

You should know better

Than to think you’re alone in this universe

You’ve seen breath come from nothing 

Animals evolve 

More complex than fathomable

Human species shapeshift and roam

With inventions inexplicable 

Grass, water, and life itself

Come to be 

And people like you 

Who all think different

And think they’re the only ones

Don’t assume you’re not connect...

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CorelistenguidebeliefUnitedkismetwiseknowingSpiritsoulfaithconnectedlifeworlduniverseintrospectionthinkingmysteryalivealiensplanbiggerselfdiscoveryopen mindbig picture

Part of us

Something speaks from beyond 

Something writhes alive

In each of us

Something pulls and breathes

Beyond our touch 

They call it instinct

But it is magically distinct 

And can lead, lead, lead 

To something in your core

They call it power of the brain 

But it’s so much more 

It cannot be explained away 

It cannot be spoken out of existence 

They call it the mi...

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Connectedalivediscoverykismetjourneyunitedwiseknowingsoulmindbrainworlduniversenaturespiritualpowerknowledgebeyondwiderspiritghostother beingtuitioninstinctidentitycoreguidelistenbelieffaith

Heads or Tails

Like a coin

tossed in the air,

chance will decide

whether I will land heads or tails


To have control is almost impossible,

when I think I'm at the top

someone incapable or enviously sick

comes from behind

and knocks me down to the ground


I get up smiling,

starting again;

leaving nothing half done,

that's how I face life;

even when insults rain down ...

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