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Just Another Day in the Coffee Shop


it’s not always that you catch the eye 

but there are times

where you simply can’t deny 

the connection that the 'eye' implies

remember the eye. it never lies 

it happens to be a sunny day

a young man seats solo at a cafe 

with a coffee in hand

in and out he breathes air 

he is observant per usual 

allowing it all to simply pass 

a beautiful women he spies 


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eyeslove poemslove poetrypoetryrelationship


latest tears not necessary

descending like ripe apples

hapless hints of discontent

the dew sunlight dapples


I remember when we met

calf with a hint of muscle

smile like morphine drops

amid a mad festive bustle


not a gratuitous weeping

eyes dry as desert dunes

she swayed like Salome

irrespective of the tunes


veils swathe damp eyes

dismantled all...

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