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Fate (Remove filter)


Sweep me off my feet,

Carry me through this dreamlike state, and

Spin me faster than I’ve ever spun before.


Call me yours,

Call me his, hers, or

Call me mine. I do not care.


Shower me with golden rain,

Bathe me in the sin of mortality, and

Let me retain this tiny bit of humanity I still have.


Do not remind me of my greater purpose

For I do not know what...

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greek mythologyteenage bullshitfate

Heads or Tails

Like a coin

tossed in the air,

chance will decide

whether I will land heads or tails


To have control is almost impossible,

when I think I'm at the top

someone incapable or enviously sick

comes from behind

and knocks me down to the ground


I get up smiling,

starting again;

leaving nothing half done,

that's how I face life;

even when insults rain down ...

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