The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Human Behavior (Remove filter)


Sitting on the train,

Neat houses flash by.

But life is not neat,

Though houses may be.


Behind those neat walls

Lurk furious hearts,

Unleashed as soon as

The train disappears.


These airtight dramas

Lie far from our minds.

We keep our heads down.

Our neat lives go on.

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SocietyHuman Behavior

Poem: Human Behavior

It's hard to extol the merits of mankind
and to lavish excessive praise is insane;
recognize the gamut of vain emotion
and treatment of our brothers that's inhumane.

The natural nature of man is hardly good -
Proof is found in our vocabulary;
despite incredible accomplishments of this world,
poor relationships of man to extremes are still carried.

Our literature and news is littered

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigHuman Behavior

Poem: Human Behavior

It's hard to extol the merits of mankind
and to lavish excessive praise is insane;
recognize the gamut of vain emotion
and treatment of our brothers that's inhumane.

The natural nature of man is hardly good -
Proof is found in our vocabulary;
despite incredible accomplishments of this world,
poor relationships of man to extremes are still carried.

Our literature and news is littered

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigHuman Behavior

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