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How Blessed I Am To Have You

{How Blessed I Am To Have You} 



I couldn't

even start to

fathom how

blessed I am

to have you in

this life with

me and in any

other life~time

before and here

after and no

matter where

or when I would

always still 

choose to fall in

love with you

my darling







©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover...

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hopeless romanticlove poemlife of the peoplethe world around meinspirationlove poetryloving for himOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetryromancestoriesTina Glover

I Do Believe

{I Do Believe} 



I do believe

that God above 

created you for 

me to pick and

love unconditionally

and he picked you 

out from all of the 

rest because he 

knew that I'd love

you the very best 

I possibly can do 

only for you 






©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written on February 1,2014 but posting ...

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poemlove poetrylove poemlove quoteTina Gloverstoriespoetryquotelifelivinglovelove quotes for him

Once Was His Queen

{Once Was His Queen} 



I was once your queen

You was once my king 

​​​​​​but now I am nothing not even a friend to you 

and now I cannot stand that you are still alive and breathing 

and you have moved on like I never was your queen or even your lover 

and I try to move on but I'm always hoping for us to make our ways back to each other but I know that will never happen ...

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poempoetrylifeold lovespainful poetrylove poemlove poetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Gloverpainful poemlivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

You Best Let Me Know

{You Best Let Me Know} 



You best be letting me know something boy because I am sick and so tired of me waiting for you to show me that you want me and that you do need me and that you actually do love me for real and not your kind of fake love crap and boy you best be getting to showing me someone or someone else will show me that they need me and that they do love me and see it will ...

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poempoetrylifelivinglovinglove poemlove poetryTina GloverwritingthinkingthoughtsOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Hey Baby

{Hey Baby} 



Hey baby

when we






And we are


thing's that 

we love

to do boy

I need you

to know how

each time I

feel like

I am in


feeling like

I am high

off of our




And I don't

want to let

you go 



And boy I

just need

you to know

boy how much


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livinglove poemlove poetrylovingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverour lovepoempoetrystoriesTina Gloverwriting

His Eye's~His Everything

{His Eye's~His Everything}



His eyes are like getting lost into deep space nine with the glory of the heavens shining through them 

His word's was earth moving to her ? heart that she kept so hidden from everyone in deep space nine 

His voice was like the soft angel's singing out her name with touch of roughness to it which she founded to be intoxicating 

His hair was like sil...

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lifelove poemlove poetryloverOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetryromanceromanticTina Glover

I Feel You In My Bones

{I Feel You In My Bones} 



I feel you in my bones 

I feel you embracing so deep that I feel it in my bones even though you are no longer here with me it's your everlasting ever essence of you that has me feenin for you 

I feel you in my bones so much that I still carry your love with me every where I go  

I feel you in my bones as the day's are long 

I feel you in my bones ...

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poemstorieslove poetrylove poemlifelivingloving youTina GloverOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverheart felt poemheart felt poetrydeep poemdeep poetrypoetrywriting

Hold My Hand

​​​​​{Hold My ✋ Hand} 



Hold my ✋ hand 

and make me 

forget about life's

troubles and let's

drift away to another 

time and another

place a million miles 

away and ? kiss me

softly and very tenderly 

making all of my troubles

go away with the timeless 

winds of us and hold

my ✋ hand and love 

me like you have 

never loved me

before and need ...

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lifelivinglove poemlove poetrylove quotelovingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverstoriesTina Glover

With This ? Rose

{With This ? Rose} 



I will keep it with me even after it withers and died 






I'll place into a book to hold our love that way until the very end of all times



Because with this ? rose is delicate to the touch so protect it with your love






Your love is forever real 






As the day's is lon...

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with this ? rosepoempoetrylivingdeathsad poemsad poetryTina GloverOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverlove poemlove poetrywritingwriting poemswriting poetrystoriessadness

To Evona From Corbin

Dear Evona,

I have been a farmer of recollections since we have parted. The harvests of my memories are a gathering of longing and despair; from a crop, which I did cerebrate sow. Tending in joyful industry, planting each seed of pine, each seed of sorrow. Each yield planted lovingly by steady hand. Each seed I did water to grow. Laborious, daily I have tended to my harvest. Cultivated, with my...

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love poem

What We Do

What We Do

For Paul


Writers write and painters paint but artists don’t art

and musicians don’t mu. 

Bikers bike and drivers drive, blimps go limp

but coupes don’t coup.

Coiffeurs coif, hairdressers dress hair,

but nail techs don’t nail techs (or perhaps they do).

Fighters fight, professors at times profess

but hatters don’t hat and surgeons don’t surge.

If you w...

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love poempoemspoken word


Ah! I loved you!


Lost to your soul,

            I bared my heart


Within your mind

            I held my heart...


            as if all hearts sang with mine

                        as if all lips knew


I felt your blood pulse

            and heat my soul

            as your hair scourged my body


                        (Ah! I loved your hair!)


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loveobsessionpassionworshipdesirelove poemromancebody

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