The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I looked at her, her angel voice still playing in the sound room. 

She sat surrounded by the band, just like we always do. 

Her songs were mesmerizing, she had everything to make it,

and in that moment God gave me this truth -


“No matter what, the songs we make are greater than the artists”.

The words came out as if it wasn’t me. 

Then she and I met eye to eye, we knew the t...

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Do You Feel The Music

Do you feel the music?

Does it capture in your soul

the feelings that got lost in there

as you’ve played out your role?


Have you ever sat and listened,

let it take you far away?

Well, I’ve done it time and again

and I can clearly say -


that nothing else compares.

It’s like a portal out of time,

where you can let things go and heal,

submerged in the sublim...

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musictherapymusic therapyinspiration

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