The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

STARS (Remove filter)

One Star

I Thought of you and who you lost
Not for jealous purpose.
But to admire and applaud
What you were, so in love.
He was a very privileged man
You a privileged woman.
How time is short
Changing time, love lost, but.

Love never dies as lovers do
It remains the same, golden.
Pervading, ebbing and flowing
Through time and space.
Like the tide on the shore
Pleasing memory, hurting.
It is...

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deathloss in lovestars

Star Children's Dust

Star Children's Dust
It's a wing. A wing from an alien space craft. Almost as old as time. Nothing but a relic now, a ruin. They used to steal people off Earth. Millions of them. Abducting them against their will. None of that matters now. Earth was burnt to a cinder nine billion years ago. Its sun went supernova. More powerful than they thought it would. Earth based science was basic. That w...

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wingaero foilspace cadetsancient historystars

The Sparkle

The Sparkle


The Sparkle,

silver starlight in your eyes,

a soft touch

before we say goodbye.

It’s over too fast,

I hope this feeling will last

until the morning


The Sparkle

of teardrops on your cheek.

All my tears,

the happiness I seek

was over so fast,

I hope this pain won’t last

until the morning


The Sparkle,


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