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An Autumn Song for the Traveller

Before I go

Let me drink this rich wine

Let me sing my delight


This gold red dawn has promise:

vibrant with the cold sun

vanishing valley mists

leave damp spider web to shimmer

mistdrops on the long reeds

and ungathered lawn leaves

damply shining

against the muted green of wet grass.

This amber morning has perfection:

wonderfully wooded leaf tints


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Autumn Thoughts

Black steel

curling wrought iron



Beneath me

coffee steam

and noise



and a poet

sits talking


his foot jiggling

as he gesticulates



autumn sun

shines on wet roofs

and casts

tree shadows

on house walls



the sea is rising


London sinks

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coffeecafebalconyAutumnsunshadowsLondonglobal warmingBrexit

Epiphany in the Early Morning

Low early autumn sun

a lone long strand of spider silk

                stretched across the window glass

                above a tiny downy feather like a snowflake

shivering in the breeze

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A lazy Sunday

Caught up in the late summer sunshine

Swaying trees and light breeze

Almost silent, the whispering wind

is harmony to my spiritual rhythm,

A melody rising and falling in perfect tone

a softening of my thoughts

transporting me to that theta world

where relaxing images float 

on waves of joy and pleasure.

Seizing every single moment

each one an enlightened condition,


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Wowsers in my trousers

For serious

ever seen such bouncing globes of translucent cream

that make the mind spit and spin Catherine wheel style!




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16th July 2018

In places the grass is brown and dry

The garden is a desert of cracked peat

Plants dead and trees about to die

Only my sunflower loves the heat

But this is Wales, yet

nearly all of my bees

have never known these





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He is the light to my day and I am the peace to his night.

Without him the cold would set in and the dark all around

but without me the rest does not come and the world wont go round.

We rise and fall like the bounce of a ball but never do we stand still.

And in the dark he rests his light, while mine beats to the sill.


His light is yellow, orange, and white,


But never ...

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Shine down on me.

Oh heavenly light,

In a place that nobody knows,

Help me see.

Light my path where the beauty grows

And let the sun shine down on me.

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My Sunset Haiku as a Sunset Englyn

My Sunset Haiku [1] as a Sunset Englyn [2]


A green flash from the setting sun - and night

Now sea and sky are one

Dusk from the gold orb is spun

Thus this mystic day is done





Where sea and sky meet

                a green flash from the set sun

Lighting distant shores



The Welsh englyn unodl union is a straight one-rhymed englyn consi...

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haikuenglyn formenglynionsunsetdaynightdusksundarkseahorizon


Our friendship is like the sky
It is cold and unbearable
It is stormy and full of tears
It lashes like lightning
Then it hurts us both

But just like the sky
It will always clear up
It will always be warm and bright
It will always remain blue and sunny
Because no matter
How many storms pass through,
How many lightning blades strike,
No matter how ma...

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For Gwen, Anne and Eryl


In that happy heady grass-green Spring of my years

A time of lambent lamb slow lamb full days around a whited cottage

Lent us space and ease beneath the sun long sky

Golden glorious hours together in a single thought

With close chicken scrape and distant herd

When the swallows dipped to the fly buzz

When the kite climbed to a gliding speck


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countrysideWalesCambrian MountainsfarmsfieldssunnightstarsmoonpastoralcowssheephorsesloveEndymionSelene







The sun is still

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