The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I’m staring out of the coffee shop window

In a strange land


A pang in my stomach

Why didn’t I take anyone with me


No one to meet

From when I was 18

Right through to my 30’s and beyond

Until 40’s 50’s I had a new one

But he withered and died


Why didn’t I take them with me

I feel a pang inside


But each carried me

To where I am now…



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Sitting on the train,

Neat houses flash by.

But life is not neat,

Though houses may be.


Behind those neat walls

Lurk furious hearts,

Unleashed as soon as

The train disappears.


These airtight dramas

Lie far from our minds.

We keep our heads down.

Our neat lives go on.

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SocietyHuman Behavior

I believed

I believed, because we believe all the time.
We believe in the structures around us,
in what we were taught, in the promises made to us.
I believed in what was given to me as certain,
in love that is, at the same time, a bond and a prison.

But time, that relentless teacher,
showed me that truth is plural,
that certainties fade away,
that the world is complex,
and that true freedom comes...

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Listening For Change

This poem is about a society increasingly divided, where accusations fly and truth seems lost. It speaks to the urgency of listening instead of blaming, understanding instead of judging, and choosing hope over fear. In a world where opinions are quickly voiced and emotions run high, the poem urges a shift in perspective—one that values connection, love, and the strength to find hope, even in diffi...

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hopesocietychangeunderstandingsocial medialovestrengthtruthhope vs expectationsdivisionlisteningresiliencefutureempowerment

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