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bad weather (Remove filter)

In the center of your calm

A midsummer Louisiana rain fell on a hot tin roof

The steam drew away - by a shearing wind that blew


The thunder growled - as the banshee howled

The dancing rain pounded and groomed the ground


And we lay together

In the center of your calm


While I lay, quieted in the shelter of your calm

The storm rages on

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bad weatherpoemRainstorm


The minute the fog laid its eyes on me

I knew I was lost


with its cold creeping seduction

and whispered breath

            all guidance confused


and only the suspended tops

            of what was grounded

could I see

confounded in a season of mystery.

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bad weather

Damp 1

Damp 1

Out walking to where three valleys meet, past Dovestones, on a drizzly day. Low clouds hugging the hilltops, a grey shroud. Dampness on my skin, I become part of the day. Slowly soaked to the skin, walking with my friend. Earthy smell of wet grass assaulting my senses. Misty weather, a favourite of mine. Time taken away from me, nature’s world grey and grand. My eyes a camera, capturing ...

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outdoorsdovestoneswalkrainbad weather





Living on the edge driving into town as others evacuate,

into harm’s way to the edge,

Mother Nature kickin’ ass. Yours?

From Taiwan and a typhoon to Florida

to a hurricane, this is your rush,

your heart beat of life. See piers smashed,

roads washed away, houses disappear,

people die in a second. All men are equal

in this fury as energ...

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storm chaserbrave peoplenever dullbad weather





Falling rain the colour of steel, cast down by the wind blown clouds.

Count the drops in the million, a never-ending torrent drowning the land,

better stay indoors or you’re in for a swim.

See it beat upon your window like a madmen with a drum,

the power of nature in all her ragged glory.



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