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Uncalculated Coitus

You touch me with your cold hands that have touched too many.

Finally making me feel seen and desirable.

As I gaze intently into your eyes, I notice you are not searching to see my soul.

You are simply seeing the face and lips that lie before you.

I hold hunger to be in your world, you only hold hunger to be in my body.

Although when you hold me tight, everything seems to be alrigh...

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My Unflattering Form

My body isn’t truly part of me.

I see it as an entire separate entity.

An unholy presence that has latched onto me.

Causing me so much pain and despair

Nothing about it is correct.

Every inch of skin has a certain marking or shape that I despise.

I look around to see a crowd of other figures. All perfect. All desired.

But mine. Mine is disgusting.

I don’t even want to look ...

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TW EDbodyimagementalhealtheatingdisorderinsecure

Inadequate Appetite

Something must be done. I must find the puzzle piece to full my emptiness. 

The sound of my mouth quickly eating echoing through my ears. The weight being realised from my shoulders. At last.


Hold on. STOP STOP. Why can’t I stop?

My appetite is gone but my pain lingers. As I re-gain awareness I am surrounded by an endless pile of wrappers. Each one symbolising my failure. My lac...

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