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This is not a draft


I don’t want to mask my poetry

I want you to understand me

Curse your perfect rhythms, rhymes, haikus

Your lyricism, your literary

When I try to adopt it, I turn mute.

Something channels through me

(I’ve never really found the root)

A demanding stream of consciousness

That cannot stop to breathe, let alone

Wait, conceptualise, draft, redraft

I can’t!


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poeticstyleformformatliterarytechniquestanzarhythmrhymehaikulyricismstream of conciousnessfreedomfreetalentcraftdraftperfectproofeditrulesconfinesartmetaphorsdebatebeautyimagerysubjectivevoiceunderstandconnectemotionfeelingsmotifswordsmithtransparentloudboldunfilteredaccessibletruthmask

I: skeleton

Face like stone

Hard to read

I find myself taking pride

In my totem pole

Of expressions, I can hide

Masterfully deceptive

Every bit secretive

All heart without sleeves

Makes it easier to breathe

But being naked

Really stripping off

And just letting everyone watch

That is true strength

True power

Is knocking down this tower

Being bare

Just a sk...

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skeletonvulnerableemotionconnectbravecourageoustruerealrawpassionsensationbeingaliveconnectedspiritsoulpowerdeceptivehideprotectdefencestonepoker facestillexpressarticulateunfilteredbold


I am the unbothered

I am the lava flowing beneath the Earth's crust

I am the ocean's currents surging in the depths

I am the jetstreams circulating throughout the atmosphere

I am the steel blade forged upon the anvil 

I am the steady heart beat inside a monk's chest

I am the booming laughter of a child at play 

I am the cat curled up in your favorite arm chair 

I am the win...

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boldharmonyinner peacefinding tranquility


Once I looked before I leapt

It was best to feel my way

Keep your wits about you

Be careful what you say


Cheeky is your second name

I never knew a girl so bold

You made a new man of me

Your ways have taken hold


Now I'm impromptu and off-hand

Knee-jerk and quite automatic

I just follow your lead blindly

I don't care if you're autocratic


Cheeky is y...

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