The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

disasters (Remove filter)

ash & blood

I can’t tell which is worse:
a fire or a flood.

at first, there doesn’t seem to be a difference;
you lose everything in both.
when you take a second look, the monster has grown.

the fire is insatiable. 
it devours what’s in sight. 
in the end, you have nothing to come back to. 
it’s not a choice you get to make.

the flood is curious. 
it touches everything within reach.
like a chi...

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teenage bullshitdisastersfamilyloss of power





Strange lights in the sky tell that something is wrong.

The continents are shifting and our planet is dying

in her ageless agony.

When the world splits open we will all perish

in Armageddon, but a new beginning will finally come.

It will take so long, maybe fifty million years

but who then will inherit the earth?

How long can man really stay he...

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planet earthdisastersevents





If we could look at the earth in a few thousand years from now,

we would see a nightmare vision. A planet ravaged by massive ice flows,

poisonous radiation storms and acidic oceans.

A naive mankind has done this. Now man has gone underground, far below

the poison and the cold.

It will be ten thousand years before he ventures forth again. Now he l...

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earthfutureplanetdisastersundergroundhuman survival

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