The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

fear (Remove filter)



Heart so fast I'd rival a mouse 
Darting eyes, fast breath
Don't look at me now 

Checking my phone so often 
It's hot in my hands 
Don't get too close 
Especially if you're a man 

My hands shake with fear 
And my breath quick with worry 
My leg taps a song 
Like it's also in a hurry 

I jump at the sight 
Of shadows on pavement 
Can't sleep at night 
Sick with worry...

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c-ptsdfeartraumasocial anxiety

Screams Of A Spoilt Child

There is no time for the pillow to dry,
There is no hope, that's why I cry.
There is no future for all I see.
          There are no perks,
                                         To being me.

I would talk to myself if I had anything to say
I would comfort myself, did I think there was a way
                                  To stay sane.
But what to believe?
All I can hear are the scr...

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love's tempestdepressionvaginismusfear

black clouds a'comin

black cloud a’comin


when I was a boy

I saw a cloud coming

towards our house

racing across the fields

black as my mama’s bible


would it become a twister

or simply bring rain and wind


I called mama and daddy

we rushed to the storm cellar

daddy brought his flashlight

mama brought her black bible


the storm did not become a

twister only rain an...

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storm cloudscellarfearbible

Something's Creeping...

Something comes creeping

Through the dark night

I look from my window

But it's just out of sight!


Something comes knocking

Knocking at my door

I turn the handle... slowly

But, it's there no more!


Something comes crawling

Crawling so slow

Shall I turn to look?

I no longer know!


Something is breathing

Under my bed!

I dare not look

'case it ...

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Scary maryGhostsnightfear

Other Things To Smile About

Fear cannot hold where it is shrugged off
With my smile I am ready for life’s hardships
Other things may come and go
But my smile remains

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meditationfearsmileshort poem

Coming Home

she'd faded to a cipher

a silhouette on the wall,

I took shelter in dreams

in my sleep I can recall


the girl she used to be

afore time did us part,

the question I pose is;

oh where is her heart?


no love fills her veins

smile a vague smear

harder than me, she

exploits the old fear


that she will leave me

like a thief in the night

my poor spiri...

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The Growth Of Fear

Fear is such a desperate thing
It tells you many lies
It tells you that you are not strong enough
It says you shall not win, cannot survive.

Fear claims you will not cope
Feeds you despair
It tells you words that you should never trust
It says that you will break beyond repair.

But if you've ever been afraid and heard
It whispering or shrieking in your ear
Then learn from your own pa...

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(This breathing technique turned into a meditation practice masquerades as a poem.)


< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Calm In In In In In
Stress Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Joy In In In In In
Sad Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Hope In In In In In
Fear Out Out Out Out...

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To Be Decided

Oh you are stranded on a mountain
you are deep down in a cave
you are in a burning building
you are threatened by big waves

There's a hurricane surrounding
The earth is quaking underfoot
you're marooned and you are drowning
you are in amongst the wolves

And you are paralysed and voiceless
you're exhausted and in shock
you're bewildered and defeated
you are hopeless and you're lost


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breathecouragecrisisfearmeditationperspectivepower of mindSEND parentstrengthuplifting

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