The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

fear (Remove filter)

The one with depression

I’ve come to the end of my days

My little short fuse of a time is to fly

stopped searching for the cave in which it lays


all my sorrows, where the last tears are drawn from 

where all the pictures of the past have lost their smile

where the black ink has started to dry 


It is but a scissor I need to cut off this red 

To let it breathe with a new breath so fresh


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Midnight Stroll

Silence after midnight

Who’s lurking in the dark

The wind is blowing in the trees

As I’m walking through the park

The gasping heavy breathing

My heart is beating fast

Lost in my surroundings

Reflecting on the past

Am I being followed

Why am I here alone

Is it all just in my head

Is it me that’s making sound

I’m sure I heard faint footsteps

I quicken up my pac...

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Scaredsuspensefearlate night


Attack the darkness, attack the fear

Allow goodness to grow

The mind to clear

Attack the emptiness, let the embers glow

Bring faith to the fore, it’s time for us to show

Show that we’re willing to stand up tall

Show that we’ll try even if we fall

Fall for a cause not by the wayside

Time to run, to charge at the fear

To know we’ve lived life to its cinder

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Demons in the Woods (10 line challenge)

Demons in the Woods

Running from the demons
Deep down in the woods
Head all in a panic
Heart fast pumping blood
Feet are feeling heavy
Trudging through the mud
Fear taking over my body
This situation I misjudged
Peeking over my shoulder to see once where I stood
Can’t control this trembling (I really wish I could).

© curiousdud3 05/2022



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Demonsfear10 line challengescared


I see where we're at now and look into the future.

I don't want to get to a point or THE point where we say things that come from anger. 

I don't want to see how bad it could get.

I don't want to see how nasty it could get.

I don't want to take the good and sweet things you say to me for granted, 

because I'm scared that maybe one day, ill screw up and make you say the things you've...

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You’re right

3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens

Now I wonder whether they’re angels

Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds

Now I write their songs

I tweet along

Everything I did, I did do

It still was

Even if it no longer is

Whatever I am

I still am what I was

Even if I no longer am

You’re right

I was right and now I’m left

But the person I was hasn...

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at dawn

A day dies and another shift begins,

Lies and sifted truth told by a different personality.

A gifted persona in bigotry to drift with in hatred later,

Cater to dismantled  thoughts, forever brokenly gifted.

It hurts to the core when self loath is monopolistic,

It's a totalitarian feeling, no need for diagnosis.

I just want to live a life without inner politics,

But in the end ...

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