future (Remove filter)
If we could look at the earth in a few thousand years from now,
we would see a nightmare vision. A planet ravaged by massive ice flows,
poisonous radiation storms and acidic oceans.
A naive mankind has done this. Now man has gone underground, far below
the poison and the cold.
It will be ten thousand years before he ventures forth again. Now he l...
Wednesday 28th December 2011 1:46 pm
As 2012 Approaches
Monday 26th December 2011 10:18 pm
The Future Is So Near
Friday 9th December 2011 5:05 am
advanced warplane poem
Such delicate Gryphons once formed a mighty fleet,
a fleet of fragile and deadly craft, half alive and half
machine ready to do their masters work.
Now there is only a dozen, all of the others fell to
earth like blazing comets in one war or another since the
Third Shining.
Each craft is alive in its own little world.
The last of a long line o...
Thursday 8th September 2011 9:20 pm
Scarlet on Blue
Invisible but not voiceless,
This fire within me burning;
Fueled by things long since done;
Uncertain it would continue
And most certainly would one day end.
Resounding vermillion trains,
Travelling across frontier lands;
That began by fits and starts.
But this is just the beginning,
And most certainly is not the end.
Smearing the silence with my t...
Wednesday 2nd March 2011 12:54 pm
The Crow
the old crow
that blotted out the sun
perched upon a fencepost
and made faces
I have only ever seen
with nose pressed
against the pane
as I spied
fallen leaves taken
onto the saddle
of a chilling breeze
to where tomorrow
could not yet be
Please make your response or comment on my profile page. Thank you.
Monday 28th February 2011 12:56 pm
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