The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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They found a mint condition MX Peacekeepr missile.                                                         

Fover two decades the peace had been kept.                                                               

Until now.                                                                                                                       

They fired the damn thing at th...

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mx peacekeeper missileww3futurenuclearcities hitworld wide

Before She Came (The Girl From Kansas)

Before She Came (The Girl From Kansas)


before she came

I stood here

for what seemed

like eons

with a blood red sun

setting behind me

my head full

of nothing more

than sawdust


and dreams

a hole in my chest

where beetles



come rain or shine

my only fear

that crows might see

through me

be brav...

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carefreealignmentpastfuturerainbowozbefore dorothyscarecrowadventure

A Step Towards Summer

A Step Towards Summer


I look into the mirror’s depthless space,

at what is standing in the shadows cast

by light dimming swift with each day amassed

and passing by me, at a startling pace.

I sprint to catch the future in a chase

that takes me on a journey to the past

and makes me wish each moment used will last

until the day they put me in my case.



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