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lamp (Remove filter)

The Lamp

a golden relic of prior days
they tell tales of djinns and genies
how did this object receive the name
it'd make an ideal canteen of gravy
my room does not illuminate
I've rubbed till wrist was cramped
when filled with oil, the blaze did rage
why do they call it a lamp

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Putting Out the Lamp

Putting Out the Lamp


In the dusk of early evening one day

I awakened from a belated nap,

And came to find nobody back home yet,

Only the wall lamp flickering away.


I, the child, quickly getting quailed,

Started running away from the dark haunted place,

But soon stopped for looking backward

For some reasons I couldn't quite grasp.


Probably it was the left-a...

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Christ Love in lamp shape
















Heart beats young

heart beats old,

with a love of Christ

Your heart beats bold.

Be ye rich, be ye poor, with

a love of Christ you'll have so

much more.

The rain falls

on just and unjust.

But remember Christ

rain settles the dust.

Don't float listlessly

on a s...

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