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"The Loop of Flight"

"To fly high" -  my dream, my creed,
To touch the skies with endless speed.
Since childhood I promised to rise,
To trace the clouds, to claim the skies.

The birds I cherished, graceful, free,
Now hold a different truth for me.
They fly with no true place to be,
Just motion framed by destiny.

But I, with maps and dreams so grand,
Now confused, unsure where I stand.
What if the path I’...

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poemdreamsbroken dreamsflightsadlooplife


"You'll be safe, I promise", reassured his mum.

“But its not you who’ll end up sat on your bum!”

A conversation they’d had most every week

but it didn’t make his knees feel any less weak.


“Now come along, Harry, stop messing about,

go finish your homework whilst I clean up this house.

The show doesn’t start till the end of the week

and all this chatter is making me Squeak...

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