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A Song for Europe
In fifteen eighty eight the Spanish navy came to fight
To claim the crown King Philip thought was his god-given right
Now millions of us fly to Spanish islands in the sun
The wars are long forgotten, the Armada is long gone
So sing for Europe, sing for peace, and sing to make amends
Let’s raise a glass of sangria to all our Spanish friends
The French are nearer neighbou...
Monday 28th November 2016 3:16 pm
Take a pinch of truth
add a good mix of bullshit
and fake sincerity
topped with passion for taste
shake vigorously
filter through the media
to make it palatable
spread onto a convenient newspaper
or roll out on the internet
and serve the public well.
Sunday 16th October 2016 4:40 pm
Dear Donald Trump
I don't often post on this poetry blog but I feel so strongly about this subject, I had to share it.
Dear Donald Trump
Dear Donald Trump, the thought of you as the next Leader
of the Free World makes me want to hurl.
Has America lost her mind
to even consider a racist, sexist buffoon
who hasn’t the sense to spend a sliver of his tax-free billions
on decent hair...
Friday 14th October 2016 11:40 am
A Poem In Which The Author Considers The Public Pronouncements Of Theresa May’s Conservative Govt On The Vexed Issue Of Europe From Her Accession In July 2016 Through To October Of The Same Year.
Brexit means Brexit
facile means glib
stupid means dumb
and a lie is a fib
Tuesday 11th October 2016 1:13 pm
A Little Place I Know...
We all hate the government
but what can you do
just drink in the evening sun
talking with old friends
A little place I know
when our graft is done
we go…
Cobbled streets, thin passageways
snaking pipes embrace the buildings
in the shadow cast by evening sun
standing with good friends
A little place I know
let’s grab a bus
and go…
Who voted 'leave', not one man here
I'll sta...
Saturday 20th August 2016 12:18 am
There Was a Red Leader Called Corbyn
There was a Red leader called Corbyn,
Beset by Blairites a-squablin’,
Despite overwhelming support,
Unelectable they thought,
They’d rather have Thatcher over him.
Wednesday 3rd August 2016 4:53 am
All Hail Bold Etonian Boris
All hail bold Etonian Boris,
Whose exploits sent up quite a chorus,
To prove Europe was dead,
He swung down by his head,
Into the seat of Foreign Office.
Wednesday 3rd August 2016 4:46 am
Bardic Lampoon for the Nuclear Age
Bardic Lampoon for the Nuclear Age
by Robert C. Mackie
We now have a leader in Theresa May,
Who may push the button some sunny day,
We won’t meet again, nor chatter and play,
For all human life will revert to clay.
So give us three cheers, hip-hip-hooray!
The sweetest of womankind, Theresa May.
A hundred-thousand lives taken away,
And you’ll pay too if she has her way.
Wednesday 3rd August 2016 4:31 am
The Unicorn to the Lion / The Lion to the Unicorn
The Unicorn to the Lion
By Robert C. Mackie
The Lion and the Unicorn once fighting for the Crown,
Now, Lion, said the Unicorn, this fighting’s got me down.
Please keep your Barnett Formula, and all One Nation Tories,
Keep antisocial myopia and national fairy stories.
‘Cos Scotland’s a nation, although you doubt, social justice is its charter,
Smith and Hume its philosophers, no need f...
Wednesday 3rd August 2016 4:27 am
A toothless face
Slavishly touting laudatory
Remarks that
Run counter to his belief
Could not let a journalist
A moment's relief!
"The incumbent
Has flickered
Darkness piercing light
Now as things are bright
None stop
We have to condemn the past
To catapult the present
On the infallible mast!"
Conveying messages
Without beef,
Also forced to turn
Eyes, to reality, deaf,
He is smote by
Tuesday 19th July 2016 7:55 am
(with apologies to Lewis Carroll)
‘Twas Brexit, and the slithy Gove
did frottercrutch in dwarfish glee;
he snicker-snacked the Camerove,
Beware the stabberjock, my son!
The empty eyes, the robo-glint!
who fellobrates the Murdocrone
the Ruperturtle übergimp!
He pallerised the BoJo cloon
they chummed upon their sunderbus
emblazoned it with fibberoons
and ba...
Monday 4th July 2016 9:45 am
Saturday Night Thursday Morning
Saturday night, family gathered around the TV
a small feast of pizza and chips waiting for BGT, Xfactor or Strictly
across the nation, we get sucked into this circus reality, our eyes transfixed and rigid as a mass of drones,
our fingers and thumbs hovering over Facebook and Twitter on our smartphones
we’ve all followed the stories and campaigns from week zero,
gripped our sofa arms as The A...
Sunday 5th June 2016 1:48 pm
To Remain
Look, I like having legal rights; to be a citizen not just a subject,
but I’m not without doubts about this great European project.
No, I don’t fear drowning in seas of asylum seekers some’d prefer out of my backyard
but the far right’s rise darkens my night skies and I find some truths really are quite hard.
Yes, the status quo is twisted so some not so nice people do too well off it,
Wednesday 1st June 2016 11:48 pm
Oh President Barack Obama
'Dodgy Dave' might think you're a charmer
There to be seen
At the 'gig' for the Queen
So have some of this Instant Karma
Put UK at the back of the queue?
Is that what you really would do?
When it comes down to Brexit
If we stay or we exit
(c) Daniel Dwryran
Sunday 24th April 2016 11:57 am
In the spirit of Leona...
In the world of tax (and tax avoidance)
watch what we say, not what we do.
It's not levied on the likes of us:
it's only meant for you.
Monday 4th April 2016 5:40 pm
Iain Duncan Wots-his-face
has now resigned and left a space
in Cabinet. The explanation?
Tory party machinations.
But then again, perhaps the bloke
just had enough of pigs, and coke.
Saturday 19th March 2016 10:12 am
One up
One up
He’s the guy
verbal diarrhea
He’s the guy
in charge
all the answers
all the solutions
no substance
just words
He’s the guy
funky hairdo
hitler gestures
outrageous claims
empty suit
self funded
He’s the guy
the spot in your undies
the hole in your sock
the ro...
Thursday 10th March 2016 4:46 pm
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