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politics (Remove filter)

the punch that never was

Laura’s snaffled an exclusive
freshly minted by the Tories
a left-wing thug has punched a bloke!
she tweets, ignores the story
about the PM and the photograph
the crisis in our NHS
kids on drips curled up on floors
the current government’s heartlessness
you see, a stolen phone is nothing
when you’ve a brand-new lie to share
about the punch that never happened
by a mob that wasn’t there

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The long redacted sound of reason crackled

Static-pronged consensus of a bygone concept

Against a typified gestalt of incandescent insanity

The layer-laden deceptive dynamic caught wind

Ushering and redoubling its efforts

Polarising all subject to it 


Two turns played, a fool's mate prepared

The clocks, still nascent, are brought to a stop

Complexities and nuance are o...

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Our opinions, they are always changing,
And may be neither right nor wrong, 
And what one someone says is weak today,
Next they could say that it is strong.

Opinions are not definitive, 
And are not set in stone. 
What one may think is wonderful, 
Another may think of it and groan.

Opinions govern all our lives,
For they decide for whom we vote. 
And when it comes to elec...

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OpinionsPoliticsStuart Vanner

Contusion Blues

Have I caught a cold?
I can feel it in my bones
this hollow sense that I can’t shake
when I gauge the current state

Newspaper, newspaper
you’re not paper anymore
and it’s not news
just the inevitable unfolding
an unstoppable rolling
towards flag waving
a dismantling, dividing
dis-united kingdom

This news, this news
gives me contusion blues…

Politics is broken, democracy’s a jok...

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bleakcolddemocracymodern lifenewspoliticssicknessukus

Hate on Tap

Hate on Tap






Three-word chant

Three-word chant

Three-word chant


Rouse the mob!

Rouse the mob!

Rouse the mob!


Hate on tap

Hate on tap

Hate on tap


Sexist Trump

Racist Trump

Mister Trump:


No more of that

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Fishing in troubled water

In the political arena
Playacting one's
Ethnic group's vanguard
Head to toe  they
Indulge in corruption grand
Spawning many of
Their brand
Eager to seize
Every advantage off hand.

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Blue On Blue Contact

Blue On Blue Contact


This blue on blue contact

is really rather fun.

Amber shoots at Boris

with her metaphoric gun,

Michael snipes at Dominic,

Andrea shoots from the hip

And Jacob assaults everyone

with his stiff upper lip.


This blue on blue contact

puts them under friendly fire -

the egotist, the pessimist

the naysayer and liar.

They all have an op...

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chaosday 8hostilitymessNaPoWriMo 2019politicsphrase used in a professiontory government

blablabla Teresa may


a clever government scam 

grabs everyone's attention 

just a distraction 

all words and no action

sorry that was too polite

the word to describe 


I can't bare 

to sit and stare

at a tv and listen to the rubbish they say

bla bla bla Teresa may

brexit what the hell is brexit 

what's all the fuss 

"coz it's affecting us"

yes you are right it...

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politicspolitics humour

Come Down from the Clouds

Come down from among the Clouds

Come down from among the clouds and seat yourselves.

I will set plates for y'all. There will be no wooden flatware,

no metal cups, certainly no raggedy napkins. The ceramic

made in China, flatware in the USA, tempered glass in 

Argentina, and napkins cut and sewn by a little old colored

lady in Little Rock, Arkansas, while her great granddaughter


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black lives matterpoliticshistoryironysarcasm

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