The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The homeless man

Evicted from his house

    In a dark and cold night

    He walked down the deserted alley

    A bright light slowly showed the way

    The path of hope that was crossed by shadows

    Is this really the right path?

    The wind whispered

    The dead leaves were creaking

    An owl hooted

    What was the hidden message?

    His stomach was growling

    His body wa...

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Get Your Affairs In Order

Get your affairs in order, 

a familiar voice whispered

out of the blue. 


Thanks for the warning, 

but there is nothing 

left to do.


No lingering love,

no financial strings,

no unsung songs.


Only one request, if I may.

Can we skip the drama? 


I prefer a peaceful, 

transfer of power.

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"The Soul of Freedom"




"The Soul of Freedom"


The morning on our creation day

Had the charming face of a young cheetah

But ran in the pace of a snail.


Who would have known that the trophy of independence

That we fell over eachother in celebration of

Will tighten again the locks of slavery yet the more?


We cried of faces white as the moon

But not anymore, not anymo...

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Constancy and Betrayal

I was enjoying sitting in the garden, pondering the beauty and the timelessness of nature, compared to the fickleness and unreliability we see in our leaders and found myself writing a villanelle. First draft below – may yet be edited but I wanted to share it now.


Reminders of a life, a dream now torn
Scabia, flags and tulips, forget me nots
Behind the privet hedge a rolling lawn


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Political Irrigation!

(Wrote during the post Brexit
 vote debacle)

Ahh democracy!
What a wonderful thing!
The freedom of a vote that counts
Makes my lickle heart sing!

The Magna Carta, the 2nd Reform
The start of our foundations
The principles of all free worlds
The lifeblood of our nation 

The Suffragettes - great heroines
Spilled blood to earn the right
They would not bow or break or bend
Or fade...

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Ode To Trump-Land

In a place not far away,

a place they call Trump-land.

Where the leader of that place is called,




or worse, on a bad day in Trump-land.


Some of his subjects have been heard to say,

that he has abused the sacred office he holds.

Worse, say some, that he has suborned the institutions of Government.

These days are the darkest of days, in Trump-l...

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PoliticsTrumpUS elections


Criticized, Plagiarized, Ostracized, … Still, we are Here!

Survivors, Overcomers, … Strength to Persevere!

But we’ll settle with Equality, Transparency and a system that’s Fair!

No More… No longer... We won’t accept despair!

We’re not playing games, and we have no more fear!

We’ll March... We’ll Riot... and We’ll tear down your town’s square!

Black Lives Matter!

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black history month and cultural diversityBlack Lives Matterblack lives matter poemsBLMLesroy Mardenborough PoemTajpoliticssocialjustice


Hate and fear looking for attention
Believing everything told to you without any proof
Their power comes from your lack of education

White tears are colored with ignorance

Hate does not make you a hero
Just make you lose your job
Now your a zero

White tears are colored with fear

Other people that don't look like you
Not living the way you think they should
Call someone to correct...

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TearsPoetry 2020politicssocialjusticeBLM


Distinguish the fires from last night bring justice to the light

Fighting through the social misery just to make it to the right side of history


Another day goes by and I am still here still alive

Turn up Marvin and sing along here the words still strong


Fighting in the streets a brother on his knees for justice and peace

All the while the leaders continue their deceit lac...

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Poetry 2010politicssocialjusticeBLM

all lives matter?

All lives matter?

You mean the people in Care Homes?

The G.I Joes who died on the beaches of Normandy

The guys who never came back from Vietnam and the folks they sprayed with Agent Orange?

The citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The body bags brought back from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The native American Indians?

You mean General Custer’s life mattered.

The homeless?

Do th...

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Haiku for the Tory voter (a lament)

Wanted a Churchill.
Got a blonde workshy dandy,
hapless and fearful.


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I Will Never Lie

I might use poetic license, 
write stories and invent details,
tell tall tales, speak in parables, 
exaggerate, embellish, 
embroider, enlarge upon 
or summarize and minimize.

I could write memoirs 
about my illustrious, 
impeccable career. 

I could cite statistics 
to prove a point, 
maybe fudge the numbers.

I could hide information, omit details, 
deny any knowledge 
and glos...

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We set the world alight

With incendiary thoughts

That burned like sulphur

Cut with lithium

A million candles

That lit every corner

Of our flammable minds

And shone like supernovas


That was an age ago

When new ideas

Were like matches

Striking on sandpaper

When the faintest

Flintlock spark

Could flash against powder

And deliver shot


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politicsyouthideasnew ideasold ideasfuturepast

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