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Ignorance is bliss
So I guess that they've imprisoned us into this predetermined preposition
When the truth is there so blatantly but we can't help but not to listen
Because ignorance is bliss so we'll stay blissfully unaware
As to the GMO's in all our food and the geo engineering in the air
I suppose we'll go organic and refuse the water from the tap
What about the metals likened to a subtle che...
Saturday 11th November 2017 9:35 am
Rise Up...Live Your Truth
Step Into the recesses of my heart, mind and soul. participate in stimulating ,thought provoking but brutally honest chats. Whether its company ,advice or a need to vent or simply laugh, no topic is off the table. Un-accepting sanctimonious non-humans, so blinded by their ignorance and fear they can't see the beauty in the unique-ness of each of us are Not welcomed. With the magic within words I...
Saturday 12th August 2017 5:27 pm
Do you hear me now?
You look at me and forget
I was strong before I was pretty
You disregard my mind in hopes that my heart is a path leading you to my body and briefly
I regret to have met you, you see my eyes before you hear my voice
For you have already forgotten the first rule; I am strong
So when I love, I love strongly
And when I hurt, I hurt badly
But when I scream, ...
Tuesday 18th April 2017 9:32 am
Vivendi insufficiens
I've been trying to explain for so long that you are more,
You are more than a 9-5 dead end job
You are more than a number placed on this earth.
You have much more to you than you aspire,
Much more to you than they aspire for you.
Now I don't know about you,
But I know that as a race we should be fed up,
Fed up with all the bullshit that has been placed upon us.
Fed up of all the...
Friday 3rd February 2017 1:07 am
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