Vivendi insufficiens
I've been trying to explain for so long that you are more,
You are more than a 9-5 dead end job
You are more than a number placed on this earth.
You have much more to you than you aspire,
Much more to you than they aspire for you.
Now I don't know about you,
But I know that as a race we should be fed up,
Fed up with all the bullshit that has been placed upon us.
Fed up of all the pressure because of what they expect from us,
But they won't have it any other way,
Than to watch us slave away our lives.
Our lives that they use as a means to keep at the top,
Our lives that they use as a means to keep happy.
That is exactly what we do...
Now just stop, take a step out of your everyday routines,
Have a look at everyone around you,
Have a look at everyone you walk by in the street.
Try for a moment to understand them,
To figure them out, who they are.
Now rather then stepping back into that,
try to figure out who you are.
I'm not saying you shouldn't have to work to get where you aim to be,
But I am saying you shouldn't have to work to make their life easy.
You are not below anyone else
You are not above anyone else.
You die just as they do
They die just as you do...
We shouldn't have to be so scared of who we are, who they are, what we can be.
We are not inadequate, we are powerful.