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Souvenir Larkinesque de la Rive Gauche (et de l’Aile Gauche-seulement avec la permission des flics)
A Larkinesque Souvenir of the Left Bank
(and of the Left Wing-only by permission of the cops)
They fuck you up, your mummies and daddies,
They make you mean, and moody blue,
Their fault you’re dummy-spitting saddies,
That life’s turned shit, oh yes, it’s true.
Some fuckers, though, will never learn,
Fooled by posh twats with Latin quotes,
Whose nanny’s...
Thursday 22nd June 2023 1:21 pm
The New Curriculum
It used to be murder at school
Evading terrorists lying in
Ambush at the tuck shop
Life or death battles with tapioca
Blistered fingers for smoking in the
Cycle shed
An army of Latin grammar at war with my head
Jimmy Jones smashing my best conkers
Miss Evans the Head's secretary
Scourging my hormones
Sadistic Algebra wanting blood
Above all dreading that fight with...
Friday 5th June 2020 11:03 am
Vivendi insufficiens
I've been trying to explain for so long that you are more,
You are more than a 9-5 dead end job
You are more than a number placed on this earth.
You have much more to you than you aspire,
Much more to you than they aspire for you.
Now I don't know about you,
But I know that as a race we should be fed up,
Fed up with all the bullshit that has been placed upon us.
Fed up of all the...
Friday 3rd February 2017 1:07 am
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