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Faceless friend

Quick behind a keyboard a screen to protect him

Without a thought my reply did affect him


Why are you offended by my opinion he asked 

He knew that I knew his words just a mask


Scars from llifetimes of many a broken promise 

Plated served. . in the same breath taken from us 


I feel you invisible brother faceless friend Pattern changes now resolving healing on the m...

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No Matter

How many times must a man come to grips

with all of the troubles in life,

where voyages tend to become sunken ships

and seems every path leads to strife?


How often must he try, despite what he sees,

a battle that’s too big to win?

Where forces are meant to bring him to his knees

and make him start over again.


How many times when rock bottom he’s reached

and no ...

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determinationresolveno quit

70 Times 7

Unto what shall I liken my struggle filled walk in life?

Unto a breath without air, gasping and grasping

for that which I can clearly see and ever try to be,

but like unto the shining stars of heaven’s glory above -

lies as it would seem high above my reach.


Yet my hands are stretched heavenward.


Unto what shall I compare the hope which I have for change?

To the li...

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determinationresolveno quit


I tried today and failed again.

I’ve tried so long I don’t know when

it ever went the way of which I planned.


I’ve given up on wondering why.

I’ve learned it doesn’t help to cry,

nor does it pay to try and understand.


But each time that I stumbling fall,

I rise with my back ‘gainst the wall

resolved to bury disappointment’s ire.


“Get up, keep going everyda...

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Purpose & Desire

Nothing can stop the unquenchable fire,

fed by the flame of the deepest desire.


Born of a purpose, intent that is true

in the one who's determined to do what they do.


One who believes it can always be done.

One who won't quit till the battle is won.


One who gets up every time that they fall.

One who dreams big, regardless how small


they may seem in this ...

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determinationresolveno quitwon't quit


If you'll work upon your self-esteem,
You will follow each and every dream.
And if in yourself you will believe
All of your goals you'll then achieve.

And so with life do not play games,
Just be sure to meet your aims.
And to other people do be kind,
And bear their happiness in mind.

So do not go back on resolutions.
Work on problems till you have solutions.
Try not to be weak or be ...

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Stuart VannerResolveresolutionsbelief


to return to that place, I say not, but only

to find what was once lost

to fix the broken part of me..broken

to make what never was

to pull down the shade screens formed

to blind the penitent to newly ordered crimes

and forever fix this rift between the fixers and I.

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Kept convincing myself

 end would turn out fine


Fazed but withstanding

implore for a visible sign


Trudge turned Incessant

with reserves at very last


Stretched to the optimum

leaving me plainly aghast


Events turned divergent

 expectations got belied


Means while just perfect

 but to end never applied


Resolve nearly exhausted

on p...

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A narrative poetic thought.






Aye, living & achieving freedom
requires an openness to vulnerability,
to taste fear & persevere.
There are those that would take away
our liberty & even our life.
Nothing is free, we pay dearly even just to breathe.
It takes guts and determination,
then finally we become awar...

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