The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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So many lives, so many hopes and dreams,

They all finish loaded on the scrapheap,

Piled high into one moist organic hump,

Where, some decades later, the needy poor

Will hollow out hovels to dodge the cold,

And some bright spark will soon call it recycling

And trumpet this sham as sustainable.

Then celebrities will come, and sleep out,

In self-pleasuring solidarity,

And c...

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On Man

On Man


Like tiny ants we scurry

Between skyscrapers of grass,

Peeping about - a human worker class.

Watching ourselves surpassing all limits,

Creators of structures, cultures, unimaginable wonders.

Finding God thriving within us.


Do we think the ant knows of it’s impending mortality?

Knows it’s destined to a life of sheer ephemerality?

Or knows it’s intricate c...

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You’re right

3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens

Now I wonder whether they’re angels

Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds

Now I write their songs

I tweet along

Everything I did, I did do

It still was

Even if it no longer is

Whatever I am

I still am what I was

Even if I no longer am

You’re right

I was right and now I’m left

But the person I was hasn...

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