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A Step Towards Summer

A Step Towards Summer


I look into the mirror’s depthless space,

at what is standing in the shadows cast

by light dimming swift with each day amassed

and passing by me, at a startling pace.

I sprint to catch the future in a chase

that takes me on a journey to the past

and makes me wish each moment used will last

until the day they put me in my case.



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Copernicus’ Commentariolus

Copernicus’ Commentariolus


The sun will never rise again,

although its early morning stain

still paints the heavens with a hue

of orange, red and purple. Few

will listen to my sad refrain.


I studied long, no doubts remain.

Though saying so risks Papal chain

for claiming this heresy true.

The sun will never rise again.


Look to the skies a...

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I am a coiled spring

in the celestial timepiece,

of the earth, the sun, the moon.

I am a servant of your rotation.


In a silent sky, black as onyx,

I sleep in peace,

but as the clock strikes full moon,

I ache with the restlessness

of a tortured man.


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