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This is not a draft


I don’t want to mask my poetry

I want you to understand me

Curse your perfect rhythms, rhymes, haikus

Your lyricism, your literary

When I try to adopt it, I turn mute.

Something channels through me

(I’ve never really found the root)

A demanding stream of consciousness

That cannot stop to breathe, let alone

Wait, conceptualise, draft, redraft

I can’t!


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poeticstyleformformatliterarytechniquestanzarhythmrhymehaikulyricismstream of conciousnessfreedomfreetalentcraftdraftperfectproofeditrulesconfinesartmetaphorsdebatebeautyimagerysubjectivevoiceunderstandconnectemotionfeelingsmotifswordsmithtransparentloudboldunfilteredaccessibletruthmask


I want to tell you how incredibly

imaginative, creative, talented

I think you are with your poetry,

writing, music, art...

but I hesitate to expose our

eggshell-covered egos, 

fuel rejection, 

ignite impostor syndrome...

all live wires 

that threaten to electrocute

our fragile muse 

into submission 

of a numbed,

comfort-zone life. 

So, instead of shouting


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what is it without actually being happy

i put together the most real pieces but it doesnt change my feelings even when theyre clapping

im really just sad but i hide it with anger

my life has never been safe, always putting myself in danger

trying to find salvation, maybe i can save myself

maybe help my momma, get my family in good health

im just tryna stay strong and change my ch...

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While talented people live for themself

Geniuses live for everyone else.

Since they always strive for perfection

Constantly pursuing their direction


Geniuses - they do not relent

Until their time has been thoroughly spent.

And whichever field they do follow

There is nothing else in which they wallow.


Whether it be science, sports, music, writing,

To watch their...

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GeniusesStuart VannerTalent

A Delicate Talent

Happiness Surface embracing Sinks stinging Price and prize A Chase in maze Happiness Varied means Varied meanings Now here Nowhere A delicate talent

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