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tedium (Remove filter)


Caught in mundane trivalities in my environs secure
Something seems amiss, of which I am not so sure

No shackles tie me down, still can't seem to express 
Odd feeling at the nucleus, now difficult to suppress 

Endowed though sufficiently no concerns as of now
Need stoking stimulus, to find new trigger somehow

All familiar seems daunting, must try & explore anew
To bring a bit of sembl...

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On Centralplatz

Look close, look far

too far?

(too far)

Cars come, cars go

tortured, metal boxes, smudged colours

on tattered tarmac.

Pneumatic drill sounds, distant

hammering, dry clatter

on summer paving.

A man, newspaper

folds and departs kiosk

shimmered in sun.

The calls from traders

I heard them, then

did not hear them

(refused to hear them).

Stepped inside a p...

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The Template of my Being

Been there

Done it

Eaten it

Drunk it

Almost drowned in it

Nearly died


Praised it

Cursed it

Dodged it

Traversed it

Just you name it

I’ll have tried


Smoked it

Snorted it

Been traumatised by it

Reduced to tears by it

Laughed and cried


Run it

Walked it

Chased it

Caught it

Wished I hadn’t bothered s...

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