The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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He'll Make America Great Again

Don't give that man your tears today
Though it's dark now you'll find a way
Now is the time to laugh, sing and create
Throw the bile back at his tangerine face
I call on the punks, the poets, the artists, the revolutionaries and the visionaries, don't let the spark be snuffed out in vain
Come together and show him how you'll make yourself great again 

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punk poetrypunk poemTrumpdonald trumpamerican politicspolitical poempolitical poetry

Donald Trump’s felt

Across the globe

Even in the heart of Chicago with supporters

Chanting “nigger go home.”

Followed soon by the lynch mob and the hanging tree

Welcome back America it’s 1963


Donald Trump’s smelt


Like a poison gas in the air

It’s the Mexicans the Muslims even your wife

“I’m just saying what’s on your mind and giving you a gun (license) to take them out”



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