The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

truth (Remove filter)

The best I never had

In a world of tv clichés

I thought our series would be timeless,

that it would survive the seasons.


I laugh as I remember

How I Met Your Mother.

Confused on an interstate car park,

cellphones and calamity.

Only to feel underwhelmed.


You said “it's not just the jetlag”,

I said “how can anyone fall in love with a zombie?”

eating hearts fo...

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How Many


                                                How Many


     I wore a British Soldier’s Uniform,

And adorned all facets of pride defending the crown,

A proud young man of just seventeen when I joined,

Serving in ignorance and innocence a country that

Was my whole World,

Then you clowned all over my heart!


I shared my barracks upon Yorkshires Moors


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Beholder's Eyes

Take a look into my eyes,
And maybe we will find
that between you and me
It's the way that love should be.

She told me I had beautiful eyes
her heart said friends
and her mouth did too...
and my mind's confused now I'm not with you.

See I can be the best friend that I have been for years
or I can be the guy that can hold you near.
But I can't be this.

You s...

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eyeslovefriendshipconfusionspiritual bondconnectivityintimacyknowledgetruthhopehonestyawarenessresponsibilitystrengthpatience

The Truth, The Lie And The Fact


The truth, the lie and the fact have met.

Let’s listen to their chat!


The truth told to the fact: Everyone lies.

The fact answered: Here is my advice:

Don’t be in a hurry with the conclusion

As everything in this world is an illusion.


The truth said:

Who will remember me?

Whose conscience will gnaw?

Will the lie will a nondiscriminatory  law...

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If a bitch stands on her own two feet and defends herself when she is criticised.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.     

If a bitch is real and exposes people when they’re chatting lies.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.

If a bitch demands respect and holds her own.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.

If a bitch still walks in greatness  even when she’s alone.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH

If a ...

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Paulyn LloydBitchrespecttruth

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