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Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #31 {The Nerve Of Some People}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #31} {The Nerve Of Some People}
The nerve of
some people
these day's
`n` then you
think way me?
`n` then you are
thinking it would
be nice if the
military would
just nuke your asses
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written May 29,2017 but posting ...
Wednesday 13th December 2017 1:10 pm
Ignorance is bliss
So I guess that they've imprisoned us into this predetermined preposition
When the truth is there so blatantly but we can't help but not to listen
Because ignorance is bliss so we'll stay blissfully unaware
As to the GMO's in all our food and the geo engineering in the air
I suppose we'll go organic and refuse the water from the tap
What about the metals likened to a subtle che...
Saturday 11th November 2017 9:35 am
Objectify Me
i just think it is funny that
my body cannot be viewed
by a man
without him making a comment
i just think it is funny that
i have to cross the street
to avoid his words in my ear
i just think it is funny that
he cannot look at
my hair
my legs
my body
without sucking air through his teeth
and viewing me
only as the object
he believes i a...
Monday 6th November 2017 8:53 pm
Beyond these indifferent walls
lies a second carapace,
pierced by small, green eyes
in a shimmering face.
It is not my own,
but lies are truths for actors;
they bandage wounds
when the liars rebel
while fleeing, open-mouthed,
from their savage selves.
Christopher Hubbard
Perth 2016
Wednesday 11th October 2017 1:02 am
Halls of my Mind
I’ve been walking up and down the halls of my mind
Studying the library of our conversations
Searching through the labyrinth of your actions
[Trying to find the course of their meaning]
You left my maddened mind without answers
Knowing its potential to psycho analyze and deconstruct every moment
To find some comfort in a resolution
A scientist studying the natural disaste...
Monday 25th September 2017 9:10 am
Love wins
Their hands touched and the room stood still
Genuinely, completely stood dead still
He held her hands tight across the table
Wanting to shout out but he wasn't able
Wanting to shout she's the one I love
Tearing down values he'd long understood
Life is for living with no holding back
Only truly experienced with love in full flame
Not playing the margins in some fake game
...Thursday 27th July 2017 12:53 pm
The Truth About Pain
The truth about pain...
The truth about MY PAIN.
The truth is nobody knows about my pain.
The truth about my pain..
The truth is nobody asked me about MY PAIN...
Since the start of my time, here on this plane (planet) all I ever felt is pain.
Truth is behind this smile, this pretty face all you'll see is this here PAIN.
Saturday 25th March 2017 12:34 am
Our Denial of Hate
Our Denial of Hate
Within the realms of madness
I look infinity in the eye,
My hands outstretched to cushion
A fall into a darkened state
But the fall is never ending,
Never ceasing or explaining
Infinity’s unwelcome grin.
Downwards I continually plummet,
Like a Halo Jumper
With no parachute,
No DZ below,
Just an ...
Saturday 11th March 2017 10:16 pm
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