The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

truth (Remove filter)


At the interview, she said,

“These are some designs I’ve been

Working on since I got out of jail.”


On his dating profile, he said,

“I’ve finished the last course of antibiotics

And feel I’m ready to date again.”


At dinner, she confessed,

“I listened to a Justin Bieber song to see what it was

And I ended up listening to the entire album.”


At the office sexu...

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Poisoning our Children

Carcinogenics in every single thing we buy
From our food, clothes, to even our hair dye
Although Europe does indeed do more to try to protect us
America really doesn't seem to give a flying fudge
They have many slimy loop holes which risk our health and safety
Like the fragrance loop hole that has, over these years, affected us far too greatly
They need not disclose chemicals that they use t...

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cancwrcarcinogenicsconspiracyControversialdiseaseFDAhuman naturehumansliespoetrypollutionprotect our youngresearchstand uptake a stanstruth

The horrible truth about benefits

The benefit system is a joke
It pays the disabled less
Than those who doss,  drink and smoke
Pre-paid prescriptions for those who don't need it
And those who need them, struggle to pay, ending up sick
Medical necessities are not very cheap
Even painkiller prices are getting quite steep
And for those who's health is farthest from good
Its hard to get by when you can't walk far, before falli...

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bad healthbenefitBenefitsDepartment of pensionsdisabledfinancegovermenthealthill healthmedicalmedicinemoneyperscriptionssicktruthunableunwellvalid benefit claims

Honest Writing

The worst

Thing is when I

Am writing poetry and spill

My wine

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stupidtruthwriting poetrycinquain form

Fuck me eyes.

A look clear into a pretty girls eyes

clear hard water forced down your optic nerve

the abyss of beauty deep and cold looks back.

Like that mirror stare when an odd flicker calls you back for more.

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'F' the FDA

So many medical advances

Technology forever enhances

But what are the chances

That they are being honest,

And not leaving their patients pissed

About the complications that exist

Of which they were none the wiser

Until the technology is inside ‘em

And they are experiencing the pain

That the FDA could have saved

If only it wasn’t for the loop hole

That leaves the re...

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FDAMalpracticeloop holenot a conspiracytruthneeds to be knowncheck your factssave your bodyend essureessureessure'stechnologypainJohnson and Johnsonpaper idolcompaniesstill advertising treatments that hurt everyonedont fall into the medical trapcheck medical researchdon't take their word for ittrust your gut



High priced clothes, foreign cars, money, hoes,

living the good life, trips around the world living right

but you missing something in your life.

Even though you have the money you looking around like “where my friends go?”

You chased them away because you thought you was something

flexing on "em" making big money


In a blink of an eye God took it all back

now you stu...

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“The Man and The Whisper”




What if…,



The haunting past,

The heart of anxiety,

The present limitations,

The lack of belief in myself,

Uncertainty of knowing myself,


These are the lions in my den,

The lighting and thunder in my storm,

The dark walls enclosing on my shoulders,

The waves that are ready to pummel me in my ocean of lif...

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godquestioningbeliefsbiblestrugglesbonesachewonderaweanswerstruthdiscoverybelieveGod Within

The mirror

The mirror speaks a truth that you don't want to hear
What makes you so afraid is right there and it's so clear
That anyone but you would run away and scream
But no, you choose to stay and bathe in your darkest dream.

There is no light or rainbows or things you'd like to share,
Just your naked costume, parading under moon's glare.
You twitch and turn and the sides are all the same...

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In The End

How can I cope with this devil on my shoulder, The heat is on but its making me colder, When I was younger it hoped I’d grow older, Started off small now it’s heavier than a boulder, 


You say I’m fine well I’m sick in the head, You say I‘ll cope well I’m sick of this mess, I don’t know how long I can stick with this stress, If it was my way then I would’ve writ this in red, 


I’m go...

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Mental healthdepressionLGBTmusictruthsuicidedarkdeepyoung poetnew poetukDnE

The City of God

In the disturbed world of today, I believe we must look to the tragedies of the past for guidance into the future. This piece is based on one of my first efforts, now many years ago.


The City of God

“It stands on a hill,” you say,

"a golden fortress, buttress to our faith,

a Heavenly Jerusalem to Rome's decay”.

Such piety is useful

to commanders of the expendable,



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