'F' the FDA
So many medical advances
Technology forever enhances
But what are the chances
That they are being honest,
And not leaving their patients pissed
About the complications that exist
Of which they were none the wiser
Until the technology is inside ‘em
And they are experiencing the pain
That the FDA could have saved
If only it wasn’t for the loop hole
That leaves the rest of us sore
Stating if it’s similar to an old one
It doesn’t require any testing
(even if if the old model was shit
And hurt people quite a bit)
For the doctors, nurses and surgeons
To implant them into our bodies
Then whilst we all suffer
They swim in their money
Not caring for our losses
But only their own personal gain
And years down the line, they remain
Advertising those same treatments
And devices, that caused us all this pain
Then a few years in advance
The next green eyed swine
Decides to take his chance
Tweaking the abominations model
Then distributing it under this loop hole
Creating another endless cycle
of pain and lives ruined
for the sake of the paper idol
to which many men worship
HayzTee (Hayley)
Tue 31st Jul 2018 13:57
Thank you all for the comments! I wasn't sure how well this one would sit or go down as it's not my typical forte, but I'm glad it went down a treat ? more like this to come in the future, as and when something comes to mind ?