The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Wed, 11 May 2022 09:04 pm

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I have been writing since I knew how to, but struggled finding the confidence to share work, mainly because of a major lack of faith in myself and fear of leaving myself so open. I took A-level creative writing and won a contest which resulted in a poem wrote in memory of my mum, named "But Ten Years Ago." Along with reading my work aloud for the first time with audience, it is my proudest moment in my writing ventures, especially given the sentimental meaning behind it. I write in many different styles, it depends on the content. I do suffer from mental and physical health problems, some of which i write about. I'm not ashamed of the fact that i have to fight multiple battles daily, this stigma of shame towards mental health issues needs to go. If people just tried to understand a little bit more and listen, it could help save so many relationships, friendships and possibly even lives. I hope you enjoy reading my work and I look forward to finding out what people think. (Dyslexic with thought process and also with spelling, mainly vowels and words with double letters etc. so yeah, if i do miss-spell please let me know so i can correct and please have some patience with me as proof reading doesn't always work when i see words written wrongly looking right) :) As of March 2022, I am a proud official member of the Autism Community, after finally receiving my diagnosis at the age of 24.

Samples (Real Life Nightmare- Poem)

Every moment to fear, Forever holding back internal tears. Life- so complicated, forever indecisive. The world too big, too scary, my mind so full of queries. Never certain, never happy, each decision could be deadly. An escapes impossible, every outcomes implausible. Sinking under water, Always being taken for a martyr. The pain runs so deep, Barely able to sleep, Tossing and turning, Hoping and yearning. Sanity strays away, Leaving me to fall further every day. Nothing to hold on to, Another’s touch too late, too few. Watching the world around you decay Feeling thankful you’ve lasted yet another day. This prison holds me tight, Forever losing this never ending fight, Though day in, day out I try with all my might. A danger to myself, to others, Every thought a constant stutter. My soul is stuck, buried too deep, The hills surrounding me- too steep, Always destined for defeat. A never ending nightmare, Forever feeling scared. Every moment to fear, Forever holding back internal tears. Anxiety- my demon, my master, Attempts against it result in disaster. What is anxiety? But the worlds clingiest, most hateful bastard.

My Socials:

YouTube: - HayzTee - HayzTee Art - HayzTee Shorts - HayzTee RExtra - HayzTee REXpressions Twitch: - HayzTee Twitter - @Hayz_Tee_YT DeviantArt: - HayzTeeArt Twitter: - Hayz_Tee_YT

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Sun 18th Oct 2020 02:54

Thank you HayzTee
your spelling drives me crazy
but I think that it is mainly
that thing on your lip
that pains me.

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Thu 16th May 2019 16:32

Finally making progress with my manuscript, *if* it is accepted by a publishing firm, It will be surrounding mental health, as I feel passionately about expressing the battles we face and providing a voice to those who struggle.

Fingers crossed this ends up going well.

Even if not, I will never give up writing and aiming to become a voice for those in need! ?

Thank you to everyone who reads my work, those who comment with feedback, and those who express fondness in the terms of a "like". Being part of this community has helped me grow, develop confidence in my work, and aspire to get to this point where I am finally trying to finalise an Anthology/Pamphlet on mental health!

-Hayley Taylor

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Sun 30th Dec 2018 20:48

I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your page. The art, the poems and the spoken word tracks. You are of many talents and its hard not to appreciate them as a whole.
Keep on, keeping on ?

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Tue 25th Sep 2018 06:29

Hayley Thankyou for your comments you sound very much like me when younger only one parent and ill health most of my life my mum worked all her life full time in the mills and then Altzimers for 25 years . with not much education I had to just get on with things could never spell until iPad now look at me lots more to come well done love wendyx

Big Sal

Fri 10th Aug 2018 15:05

Stay strong and feel better.?

Big Sal

Fri 3rd Aug 2018 22:54

Since you asked, in my humble opinion, I think the 3 best poems you have submitted to the site are these ones, in descending order:

1. "The demons that only I knew"

2. "Who are the real Monsters?"

3. "Friends of many faces"

Of course others on here may feel differently, these are the three pieces that I read over the most because of their interest, their powerful words, and their interesting topics. The first one I put I think so because it packs so much in such short lines, and I still think it is one of the best ones I've read in a while. The second poem I put because I've yet to read a poem like it anywhere. The care you put shows. The third poem is on there because the way the repetitive usage of the word 'friend' is applied adds a unique rhythm unlike any other that you've done so far. Hope this advice helps in some way, have a good one Hayley, and keep up the great poems.?

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Fri 3rd Aug 2018 21:10

I need some assistance. I'm considering putting a poem as an entry to a big competition due date in August.

What poem/poems do you think are my strongest or most powerful and are worthy of potentially winning a brilliant prize maybe?

I need help to narrow it down and I'm very overloaded with options?

Big Sal

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 14:07

Looking forward to it.

<Deleted User> (19836)

Mon 30th Jul 2018 21:17

Thank you Hayley for all the 'likes'. I'm glad you like my paper collages.?

<Deleted User> (19836)

Fri 27th Jul 2018 19:02

Nice to meet you Hayley! I'm glad you liked "Feel the Rhythm". I look forward to reading through your poems. Jane?

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