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Adjusting to Change - Anxiety

hurting, melting, head caving
my head so broke inside
trying to hold it together
but i feel so far from fine

suffocating, shaking, heart racing
my body responds in fear
trying to reason with myself
though it doesn't help it clear

aching, receding, soul's numbing
my mind is shutting off
trying to hold onto reality
but i feel so very lost

falling, stalling, chest pounding
my soul's torn deep within
trying to keep myself afloat
but sometimes i fear I'll sink

surviving, fighting, everythings changing
my life's turned upside down
trying to adjust as best as i can
but to rise up, i must first drown

evading, hiding, barely escaping
my instincts urge me to flee
trying to fight this faulty alarmĀ 
but my strength is hard to see


changedealing with changeanxietymental healthpoetry and mental healthchangeslife changes

◄ The Queries of a Heart that is Torn

That last piece ►


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