The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

"The Homeless Man"

“The Homeless Man”


There's a homeless man on 5th and Broad

That no one knows except for God


People on that street just pass him by

Still the tattered old man never ask why


Yes ever morning from ten till noon

He lives his life to a simple tune


He tunes his guitar and begins to play

Hoping that money will come his way


He knows that others could lea...

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down on your luck

A River Flows Through Us

“A River Flows Through Us”


A river that flows through me and you

Constantly leads to something new


This river is called “The Christian life”

And around each bend is full of strife


But without the trials we'd never grow

Like a river falls on the rocks below


A Rock represents the Son of God

And the river's the path we all must trod


So if we love ou...

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The Christian Life

The Fountain Of Youth

“The fountain of Youth”


Man seeks other ways to a fountain of youth

But there's only one way to that ultimate truth


His name is Jesus and He'll free your mind

If you'll live for Him one day at a time


You may have heard God's words and believe they are true

But do you know in your heart why He died for you?


God's not the enemy sin is a choice

Just as it i...

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living for God

The Head Of The Wise

“The Head of the Wise”


The head of the wise is crowned with gray

Though few will listen to what they say


There lives have blessed with many years

Still how they're treated can bring them tears


Then as the gray hairs turn to white

They loose their hearing and then their sight


Some say their cranky and though that is true

Still they need love from me and y...

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growing older

Nena The Cat

“Nena the Cat”


I love my baby Nena the cat

If she spoke like you she'd tell you that


Sometimes she'll stretch on the patio then lay out flat

As her deep green eyes I'm looking at


Also she'll meow like we're having a chat

Till I bring her some food and give her a pat


I'm glad I rescued her from the place she was at

When those pretty green eyes say“I love ...

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A Lost Friend

A Lost Friend


A man had a friend just down the street

Whom everyday he'd faithfully meet

Till they had a quarrel and wouldn't speak

Then other things they began to seek

Day after day, week after week

They wouldn't walk down the same old



Then he went calling on his friend one day

But he soon got the message that

he had passed away

As the messenger s...

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The Armor of God

To share His truth we should be driven

With this His Belt to us He's given

His Breastplate of Righteousness is for guarding the heart

Excepting His love will help us start

We should always be ready to share the Gospel

For that's the Shoes of a true apostle

On the cross God's hands we're nailed

He's our Shield of faith where we have failed

Love is more than having felt it


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Armor of GodReligious

He is who He is

Even the angels dont understand

How God could die for fallen man

They don't know the trials in a world of sin

Or the joy and peace as through Christ we win

Yet in every victory they rejoice 

As we listen to the Maker's voice

Because He is who He is, He always wins

No matter the cost of all our sins

The love of God is like a priceless gem

For thousands of years we'll lear...

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"Don't Let this Life pass you"

Don't let this life pass you by,

Seek the Lord, break down and cry

He'll lift you up, He'll fill your cup

Yes even though the heart's corrupt

He'll change you from the inside out

Now isn't that what it's all about

God changing us from day to day

Like a figure from a lump of clay

The choice is ours to obey

The choice is ours to kneel and pray

If only we would trust His...

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"Though Waters Roar"

Though Waters roar and we're tempted sore

God gives us strenght so we won't sink

And though we fall God loves us all

God leads us home to him.

And when we're home  never more to roam

With God we'll be His face we'll see

Shining as the sun the Begotten One

The King of Kings is He

Should we ere forget how the price was met

Look to Calvary that cruel tree

His life He gav...

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my first religious poem

"The Four Leaf clover"

I love the beauty of the four-leaf clover

I study thier patterns over and over

Some collect them for Irish luck

But for other's like me, we're simply awestruck

We collect them because we know thier rare

They give us hope to not despair

And just like them, with light we'll grow

As the ground is watered here below

So remember this blessing, caught unaware

There might just ...

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"Lucky Otter"

There once was a man who lived by the sea

Who fished the Irish water

The man had a ship that really was hip

He called it "Lucky Otter"

And every time hed sail he'd catch a thousand krill

And take them back to harbor for a hundred dollar bill

The man had a friend way down at the end by Jessie's magic parlor

She'd go for a trip with the man that was hip

Who owned the "Lucky O...

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"A Friend Who Still Loves Us"

Even when our sins had Him crucified

And He's hurting way down deep inside

Jesus still loves us....A friend who still loves us

And though a thousand tears He's cried

Jesus still loves....For this is why He died

Jesus always wants to be our friend

Even if we hurt Him in the end

Jesus still loves us....A friend who still loves us

And though a thousand tears He's cried


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"Marriage God's Gift"

With love for a woman man takes up his bride

Like God and His church for which He has died

He gives her his life to be by her side

To share his warm heart that's broken inside

He takes her hand and tell's her "I do"

And promises a love that's faithful and true

Just like the God that makes all things new

He holds them together like iron and glue

He gives her his life for bet...

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"Broken Families"

Broken Families broken dreams

Life isn't always what it seems

People are hurting they're starving for love

But that only comes from God above

Even His son needed His help

From all the pain that He had felt

Our loving savior sweat drops of blood

Yet if He could die again for us He would

You see we are a broken family this whole human race

Yet the King of the universe woul...

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Broken familiesreligious

"Even the Sparrows"

If God cares for flowers or birds in a tree

Surely this God will care for me

His son gave His life that His love I might see

Even the sparrows have given a key

The sound of His word no worry to be

This same awesome word brought life to a sea

So when I am worried the Bible I'll read

And in this warm heart He'll water a seed




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Worry stress

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