The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.


I can see her sparkling eyes

Glowing with care and lot of love

She walked past me as an angel on fleet,

Is the same day I made her angel of my life!


She is like a cool morning breeze

With her hair like an unruffled stream.

And when I look at her beautiful face

The world around seem so insignificant.


It is her voice that make me live

The moments with her, a beau...

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Eden Of Hell

Someone listen to the shallow weeps

Someone care for this melancholy strain

Rising sun and a beautiful dawn

are never even there in my sweetest dreams.

Amber waves from the endless fields,

Twinkling rays from the golden skies

-all forbidden fruits in this Eden of hell.


With heart beating like a ballistic trumpet,

Body shivering as in midnight Thames

Slowly I walked ...

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Beauty of Life

Walking along the endless roads,
Darting past many cities of fame.
Don’t know when he started this journey… 
Searching for -the beauty of life!

He had seen many beautiful dawns,
And the kaleidoscope of the evening rays.
But nowhere he found, nowhere he felt,
The beauty of life,- the beauty of life!

Dejected he feels, dismally wound,
All his efforts in mere vain…
At last he decide to ...

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