The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

The lonely leo

The leo all alone she stands beside herself

Afraid to open up and be strong like no one else 

The  libra is a key a master to obey 

The one who has reason to truly walk away

The ram or even goat it is a treat to see

The archer as a hunter is the prey to finally feed

The  night in which is dreaming the dreams 

That walk away the lonely and sacred heart is afraid to truly say


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The lioness i need

The lioness i  see is a lion i do want

The lioness i know is further from my thought

The Times i seen this lion her fur was standing up

The  lioness i know has never given up

I write for only knowing would she ever see me now

The  passion of why i try is to fly high above the clouds

The  angels said you see me i was scared to let you know 

The lioness im needing is afraid to l...

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A Broken Heart!

My heart has broken , So Broken from trust a person who I was in love betrayed my love

Alone in the darkness rattled the tears, inside this chamber of unwanted fears

Once so humble I'm no longer awake ,yet inside the grass surrounded by snakes

You told me one thing and now I see clear, I observed in my situation unable to hear

Yet I want another more then I can seem to think, So hard t...

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Wanting another.

there's this female I know who captivates my mind and pushes me further for the way I can ryhme ,

She is honest and true so pure from her heart such desired emotions that hold the world's far apart, 

The deeper I write the hard I fall The bricks that I built are beginning to fall,

The way that I was is not how I am alone in the world untrusted again,

So hard to admit that my heart skip...

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A sister gone.

my sister has been gone for twenty two plus year's, 

The memories I have are surrounded by broken tears, 

I remember the day God took you it was the worst day of my life, 

I tried to find a logic but such thing was not so right,

I can see only through pictures because don't see you,

I feel as if i failed  because we are left without a thought,

For the evil that lurks  the  street...

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unliked because I am different because you don't accept my views, 

The way I word your life in the way i look at you,

Insults become a language but i doesn't break my thought,

Because of all the pain the inner war I fought,

I was not the women who cheated or the man who was just caught, 

Unlike me cause I'm different unlike me cause I'm real,

Understand that I am smiling the Emot...

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The fallen angel

The  hand that reache's down from the heaven's  high  above  -  Stands  a  Angel with such seduction controlling a Archers  love -  The  caliber  for  writing  has  pierced  the  Centuars  soul  - with  such  determination  not  to  let  the  Archer  know  - 


The  Angel  fell  to  earth  to  be  the  ruler  of  it's  heart  - with compassion for  this  archer  the  word's  cannot  be  caug...

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The lover's dream

The dreams of a lover are harder to come to grip, the seduction of the passion upon those warm red lips,


A lover as a women the passion in her heart, the truth of how she felt from the moment you drift apart,


Such truth that stirs the kettle, may push her love away for the lover who has a dream could ultimately just sway,


A dream that this lover has is building up such stea...

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The wall.

The wall that I am building  is guarded by my heart,  

Afraid of letting go for the person  two world's apart, 


The Angels are up high  Crying  ,  they crying from all the 


The one who has my heart,  turned  my tears to rain,

The wall that I am building  has been built right out 

Of pain,


I been searching for the answers ,as to who can break 

My wall,



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