Poor Mom - Dedicated to Betty Ann my mom
The men in the white coats are coming to take me away,this is what mother used to say. We 4 would scream,"No", and stand there with our dirty fingers in our nose. We used to toss our clean laundry on the floor, we sloppily hung wet towels from the bathroom door. ...
Saturday 31st August 2019 10:41 pm
My Person
Twinkling stars lite my lantern, while we lay beneath the pitch black sky, zipped up in a sleeping bag with my favorite guy. Money cant buy happiness, only lived experience can, this is why I want you to be my morning bacon and eggs and ham. ...
Saturday 31st August 2019 4:06 am
Pocket Full Of Lint
Good intentions, and a pocket full of lint, All her favorite things combined was her inspiration and date night hint. What could she possibly bestow to him, she would have to formulate with her creativity within. With only an idea and a few bucks, her easy going nature and sweet simplicity is her luck. She has something sweeter up her sleeve then ice wine, over a whimsical fire they shall dine. ...
Friday 30th August 2019 4:14 am
Countryside Lass
Collecting Marble colored rocks, rain boots with mismatched socks. Toy plastic kitchens and mud pies, no stress, no worries she never crys. Tea sets with old dollies in her treehouse, with her pillow and blanket, snug as a winter mouse. Chasing grasshoppers in tall sweet grass, drinking her milk from a mason jar glass. Catching bull frogs on Bancrofts Baptist Lake's shores, stuffing salamanders in...
Wednesday 28th August 2019 5:19 am
Merry-Go-Round Of Relations
I'm so effing cursed, I wish Cupid and Love would just find a hearse. I need to live and learn, to lock my heart away in a urn. Sharing and exposing to much, I need to learn a assertive touch. This generation is so distant and cold, in with the new and out with the old. No romance , just casual sex, no reply the next day, not even a text. So gaurded like a spooked horse, they are braking vunerable...
Wednesday 28th August 2019 4:03 am
A Frosty heart ?
Having an icebox for a heart is the new trend, if you feel to much, it's your own heart you will mend. It's not like Disney with a fairytale end, Intimacy is just an act, that most pretend. Don't share your creativity or your heart felt memes, because its your integrity that will tear at the seams.
Wednesday 28th August 2019 2:55 am
Dear John & Me
This story I'm about to tell is true, This story of John , I'm about to tell you. A tall skinny white man, he had only one mission one plan. To walk vigorously everyday, Shuffling down the sidewalk in his own way , walking so fast with no where to go, talking to himself out loud, like nobody knows. walking past my building and store, always on the same path never detours. One day I gave him a smo...
Wednesday 28th August 2019 1:09 am
Ungracfully Confess
I swore I wouldn't bend the Knee, This infatuated, swollen heart you weren't meant to see. But when your face filled with doubt, Raw emotion consumed me, And I had to confess and shout. I love you! , you idiot! , can't you tell? I'm completely love sick, Captured by the voodoo mans spell. Ungracefully I unveil my truth to you, I'm just relieved you responded, "I love you to".
Tuesday 27th August 2019 4:53 am
Listen Little Sisters
Listen my oblivious young girls, there is more then Rosie lips and soft curls! As princess warrior's, you are more powerful then you think, I promise you , there is more then dirty dishes in a sink. You are BRAVE , STRONG and RESILIENT! , Its up to you love, to live brilliant. Always remember sis, beneath the oysters hidden shell, you are the prized pearl, remember you are more then just a silly ...
Tuesday 27th August 2019 3:12 am
Duck Taped Heart
One of many options, could this really be? Just a stepping stone to you, a pretty pebble you toss to sea? If I truly remove myself from the equation, and narrow your choice, I wonder if I ever again will hear your voice. Is it true? I was just a passing concubine to you? Just a piece of flesh for you to conquer and devour? Suckling everything within me pure and sweet, leaving me disposed and sour....
Monday 26th August 2019 11:30 pm
Alaskans Cove
A long dirt path with earth bettween my toes, And wildflowers growing in rows. Intoxicated with the smell of pine, This hidden sanctuary is only mine. Listening to the flowing creek, Living off the mountains plentiful peak. Lavender and healing hurbs ...
Monday 26th August 2019 1:47 am
The Lonley Pale Flower
I always knew deep down inside the sunshine was only a semi-permanent thing. Who knows what the forecast could bring. Some days the sunshine shined so bright it kissed my skin, and warmed my soul. Were other days, a dark cloud with an antisocial overcast hid it's comforts. Leaving me like a abandoned flower just wilting away. Who really knows why the sunshine was hiding behind those dark heavey cl...
Sunday 25th August 2019 6:57 pm
The Simple Ways
I adore the rustic old coffee shops, With mismatched plates & tea cups. The aroma of books and sweets, Soothed & enchanted with rainy days & loud thunderstorms. B&B's with porches, Wool blankets & ro...
Sunday 25th August 2019 5:47 am
Off To Rocky Veiw For You
Goodmorning Unit 49, This is a reality of mine. Waking up in a sterile place, All will & hope drained from my face. Standing in front of the mirrior, Hospital issued gown & paper slippers, J...
Sunday 25th August 2019 5:18 am
Little Ones Of Mine
Be patient my little ones, Everything shall puzzle together. Our generation is placid & cold, Loosing touch with treasured values, It's dying with the old. The loss of innocence & romance, ...
Sunday 25th August 2019 3:35 am
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Hélène on Emotional health
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TOM MERTON on If I only
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TOM MERTON on Me and Mr. Dark
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TOM MERTON on Really unreal nights spent in a 60's downtown Manchester drug den ( part one )
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