The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Small town girl

Small town girl with your voice so low

and your hopes even lower,

you keep on singing just the wrong verse.

Why is it that you never care?

You keep on counting only on false friends.

Why is it that your heart 's so bare?


Small town girl with your history so long

and a record even longer,

huddled in your hoodie.

What is it that you won't see?

With your right arm s...

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east Germanyracismsuburbiano future

Generation Atlas

You are generation Altlas

balancing the earth,

shouldering one massive burden

so trustful in its worth.


The summer's end it's coming soon now

and school 's gonna start again.

Fridays you'll be out on the street then,

protesting for this mess to end.


You see there's little chance for you,

so you take it into your own hands.

So good and righteous all your reas...

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Amaryllusfuture hopeskids

The bond

Two little boys with curly hair,

one of them brown the other blonde,

they taunt and kick,

they soothe and hug

each other just to tie a bond.


Two little boys of fearless beauty,

of restless bliss and trusting charme,

they laugh and play,

they thrive and dwell

still in their world without real harm.


Two little boys I'd give my life for

too soon will loose t...

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Amaryllusfuture hopeskidslove

A better taste

Let me taste a bit of love now,

or no, better let me not,

'cause I know I couldn't help

to ask and beg you for a lot.


Let me taste spoonfuls of beauty,

or no, stop me if you can,

'cause I'm afraid to loose my cool

for you're the gracious type of man.


Let me taste ways of your soul then,

or no, never let me do,

'cause I dread the disappointment

of no dark ...

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King of No-Man's-Land

He's the king of No-Man's-Land,

a kingdom noone cares about.

He reigns so sovereign his town,

no man 's never gonna vote him out.


His people here are all left-overs

or left-alones or left-behinds.

The most grey-haired, of random beauty,

all bored to death and all resigned.


Some of them must've had a dream once -

but that has been long years ago -

must've got...

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