The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


am a garden.
Greenest grass shoots from my scalp.
tulips tumble from my mouth
Birds flock, Bees beguile, soil
a path from which my bark legs grow
rooted, stable. 
A yellow star shines over me, i suck
growing growing growing
buds blossoming
fruit grows, sweet. 

fruit grows fruit falls
pink petals plummet 
a soil path hidden in soiled fruit soiled sweet fruit 
green leaves scatter

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winterseasonal affective disorder

Who Cares?

(spoken wordy angsty teenagery type poem; a work in progress)

I just need a friend
someone to turn to,
but what's the point in a friend if that friend isn't you?
Yiu see, i've got my demons
but you've got yours too.

You've got problems with the scale and you hair smells stale from all the cigarettes you smoke to curb the cravings
anf your stomach growls, begs, pleads.
But no amount of ...

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eating disorderteen yearsmental healthAngerself harmSelf Image

Without you, this christmas.

The gifts lie untouched
I am completely alone
Happy christmas dear

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We all have out tipple of choice, mine
i sip.
It's potent breath intertwines with mine
filling my lungs with pleasure.
Satisfying all of my dreams and desires.

I swig,
as my words become dizzy, muddled.
Phosphene eyes to match. Spirits,
A wonderful serendipity,
i am free.

I gulp,
my mouth runs away with me, legs
The clock strikes, it's hand jittery
face wobbling.


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alcoholalcoholicalcohol abuseamateurteenager

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